Wheel of Fire is the seventh expansion set of the Babylon 5 CCG. It is published by Precedence Publishing in 2000 and consists of 156 cards.
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Type Breakdown[]
- 13 Aftermaths
- 9 Agendas
- 49 Characters
- 25 Conflicts
- 8 Contingencies
- 17 Enhancements
- 18 Events
- 9 Fleets
- 4 Groups
- 4 Locations
Rarity Breakdown[]
- 50 Commons
- 50 Uncommons
- 48 Rares
- 4 Rare-1s
- 3 Autographs
- 1 Promo
Card Lists[]
Agitation | Uncommon | Conflict |
Airlock Mishap | Common | Event |
All Alone in the Night | Common | Aftermath |
Alliance Fleet | Rare | Fleet |
And So It Begins | Uncommon | Contingency |
Attack the Shadows | Common | Conflict |
Barren Worlds | Rare | Location |
Black Rose Killer | Common | Aftermath |
Blow the Jump Gate | Uncommon | Conflict |
Blue Narn | Rare | Character |
Brakiri Priest | Rare | Character |
Bread and Circuses | Uncommon | Aftermath |
Breaking News | Common | Aftermath |
But We're Allies | Common | Conflict |
Captain Ivanova | Rare | Character |
Chief Allan | Rare | Character |
Conquest Fleet | Uncommon | Fleet |
Contest the Presidency | Common | Conflict |
Cooperative Measure | Common | Event |
Coplann | Uncommon | Character |
Corporate Connections | Rare | Contigency |
Cosmopolis | Uncommon | Location |
Councilor La'shan | Uncommon | Character |
Crawling Chaos | Common | Event |
Dangerous Game | Common | Event |
Dark Legacy | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Declaration of Principles | Common | Enhancement |
Destroy Them From Within | Uncommon | Aftermath |
Disillusioned Garibaldi | Rare | Character |
Doctor Sheridan | Rare | Character |
Doctor Sheridan | Autograph | Character |
Drakh Armada | Rare | Fleet |
Drakh Entire | Uncommon | Group |
Drakh Mothership | Uncommon | Fleet |
Drakh Raiders | Common | Fleet |
Drazi Merchant | Common | Character |
Drone Fleet | Rare | Fleet |
Elizabeth Lochley (Cost 10) | Rare | Character |
Elizabeth Lochley (Nightwatch) | Rare | Character |
Emperor Mollari II (Old) | Rare-1 | Character |
Emperor Mollari II (Young) | Rare-1 | Character |
Emperor Refa | Rare | Character |
Errand of Mercy | Uncommon | Conflict |
Espers | Rare | Group |
Expelled | Common | Conflict |
Feast of Lights | Rare | Aftermath |
Flarn | Promo | Event |
Flying Fortress | Uncommon | Fleet |
Foment Discord | Common | Agenda |
Force Omega | Uncommon | Fleet |
Forell | Common | Character |
Free Trade | Common | Conflict |
General Na'Tok | Uncommon | Character |
Gerontocracy | Uncommon | Enhancement |
G'Obel | Rare | Character |
Guilds | Uncommon | Group |
Hindsight | Rare | Event |
Interstellar Alliance | Common | Event |
ISA President | Common | Enhancement |
It Stops Here | Rare | Aftermath |
Ivory Towers | Common | Enhancement |
Kill Them All | Common | Event |
King Arthur | Rare | Character |
Kirrin | Uncommon | Character |
Kullenbrak | Rare | Character |
Lady Na'Toth | Rare | Character |
Lazarenn | Uncommon | Character |
League Spokesbeing | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Legacy of Power | Rare | Aftermath |
Let the Galaxy Burn | Common | Agenda |
Lieutenant Corwin | Rare | Character |
Lieutenant Corwin | Autograph | Character |
Llort Bodyguard | Common | Character |
Lyta Released | Rare | Character |
Main Battlefleet | Rare | Fleet |
Major Lianna Kemmer | Uncommon | Character |
Manish'tushu | Uncommon | Character |
Master of Darkness | Common | Character |
Media Circus | Rare | Group |
Medical Database | Common | Conflict |
Megalopolis | Uncommon | Location |
Minister Chorlini | Uncommon | Character |
Miziri Tal | Rare | Character |
Mutual Defense | Common | Enhancement |
My Good Friend! | Uncommon | Event |
Napar'ishu | Common | Character |
Newton's Third Law | Rare | Contingency |
Nug/Ulg | Uncommon | Character |
Open Aggression | Rare | Conflict |
Opportunism | Rare | Conflict |
Organic Technology | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Outfoxed | Common | Contingency |
Pak'ma'ra's Hump | Common | Enhancement |
Point of No Return | Common | Enhancement |
Power of Darkness | Common | Event |
Power Supreme | Uncommon | Agenda |
President Sheridan | Rare | Character |
President Sheridan | Autograph | Character |
Prohibited Area | Common | Conflict |
Proof of Genocide | Uncommon | Conflict |
Psychedelic Program | Common | Conflict |
Psychic Trauma | Common | Contingency |
Pull From Behind | Common | Conflict |
Renegade Telepath | Uncommon | Character |
Resist the Vorlons | Common | Conflict |
Rimush | Rare | Character |
Roam the Stars | Uncommon | Location |
Round Table | Uncommon | Event |
Rule By the Masses | Uncommon | Agenda |
Schism | Rare | Event |
Search For a Home | Uncommon | Agenda |
Secret and Arrogant | Common | Conflict |
Seeds of Destruction | Rare | Agenda |
Shadow of a Shadow | Rare | Enhancement |
Shai Alyt Neroon | Rare | Character |
Shar'kali | Uncommon | Character |
Sharrukin | Rare | Character |
Shine in the Night | Common | Conflict |
Shiv'kala | Rare | Character |
Signs and Portents | Uncommon | Contingency |
Soldier of Darkness | Rare | Character |
Something in the Air | Common | Enhancement |
Starfire Wheel | Rare | Conflict |
State Visit | Uncommon | Event |
Strange Happenings | Common | Event |
Subvert the Nexus | Uncommon | Agenda |
Surgeon of Darkness | Uncommon | Character |
Surgical Strike | Rare | Conflict |
Terror Tactics | Uncommon | Agenda |
The Chosen Ones | Uncommon | Event |
The Corps is Father | Uncommon | Enhancement |
The First One | Common | Aftermath |
The Rangers | Common | Enhancement |
The Regent | Rare | Character |
The Secret Masters | Common | Agenda |
The Trap Is Sprung | Uncommon | Aftermath |
There Is Danger, Remember | Rare | Aftermath |
Touched By Vorlons | Uncommon | Aftermath |
Treachery | Rare | Contingency |
Tyranny Enthroned | Rare | Conflict |
United We Stand | Uncommon | Aftermath |
Unity | Common | Contingency |
Universal Policeman | Common | Conflict |
Ur'nammu | Common | Character |
Vorlon | Rare-1 | Character |
Vorlon Renegade | Rare-1 | Character |
We Are One | Common | Enhancement |
We Have Always Been Here | Uncommon | Enhancement |
We Say It's Over | Common | Conflict |
Wheel of Fire | Rare | Conflict |
Who Do You Serve? | Uncommon | Event |
Win-Win Schemes | Common | Enhancement |
Wisdom of G'Quan | Uncommon | Event |
Work of the Wicked | Common | Conflict |
Wushmeshkeshlep Fo | Uncommon | Character |
You Have No Power Here | Rare | Event |