CardGuide Wiki
Virtual Block 5 - The Old Republic
Game/Set: Star Wars CCG


Virtual Block 5 - The Old Republic


Star Wars CCG Player's Committee





Cards Total:


Virtual Block 5 - The Old Republic is the 5th virtual expansion of Star Wars CCG, published by the Star Wars CCG Playing Committee.

Light Side Card List[]

Type Breakdown[]

  • 1 Admiral's Order
  • 30 Characters
  • 7 Effects
  • 5 Interrupts
  • 8 Locations
  • 2 Objectives
  • 5 Starships
  • 3 Weapons

Rarity Breakdown[]

  • 61 Virtuals

Side Breakdown[]

  • 61 Light
Let's Go Left Virtual Rare Admiral's Order
Artoo, Brave Little Droid Virtual Rare Character
Artoo, Brave Little Droid (AI) Virtual Rare Character
Bail Organa Virtual Rare Character
Chewbacca Of Kashyyyk Virtual Rare Character
Clone Pilot Virtual Common-2 Character
Clone Trooper Virtual Common-2 Character
Jedi Advisor Virtual Common Character
Jedi Guardian Virtual Common Character
Jedi Survivor Virtual Common Character
Ki-Adi-Mundi Virtual Uncommon Character
Lieutenant Williams Virtual Uncommon Character
Mace Windu Virtual Rare Character
Mace Windu (AI) Virtual Rare Character
Master Qui-Gon Virtual Rare Character
Master Qui-Gon (AI) Virtual Rare Character
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight Virtual Premium Character
Padmé Naberrie Virtual Rare Character
Padmé Naberrie (AI) Virtual Rare Character
Plo Koon Virtual Rare Character
Republic Trooper With Blaster Rifle Virtual Common-2 Character
Senator Jar Jar Binks Virtual Rare Character
Senator Jar Jar Binks (AI) Virtual Rare Character
Senator Mon Mothma Virtual Rare Character
Senator Padmé Amidala Virtual Common Character
Supreme Chancellor Palpatine Virtual Common Character
Wookiee Virtual Fixed Character
Yarua Virtual Uncommon Character
Yoda, Great Warrior Virtual Uncommon Character
Yoda, Senior Council Member Virtual Rare Character
Yoda, Senior Council Member (AI) Virtual Rare Character
A Jedi's Cunning Virtual Rare Effect
A Jedi's Plans Virtual Rare Effect
An Unusual Amount Of Fear Virtual Premium Effect
Grrghrrrgh! Virtual Rare-1 Effect
So This Is How Libery Dies Virtual Rare Effect
We'll Take The Long Way Virtual Uncommon Effect
Wese Ready To Do Our-sa Part Virtual Common Effect
Ambush Virtual Rare Interrupt
Changing The Odds Virtual Common Interrupt
Krayt Dragon Howl Virtual Rare-1 Interrupt
Wookiee Guide Virtual Common Interrupt
Wookiee Roar Virtual Rare-1 Interrupt
Blockade Flagship: Prison Virtual Uncommon Location
Coruscant: Jedi Archives Virtual Common Location
Coruscant: Jedi Council Chamber Virtual Rare Location
Coruscant: Night Club Virtual Rare-2 Location
Coruscant: Senate Landing Platform Virtual Common Location
Kashyyyk Virtual Common-1 Location
Kashyyyk: Sacred Forest Virtual Common Location
Kashyyyk: Wookiee Haven (Forest) Virtual Common Location

We Have A Plan/
They Will Be Lost And Confused

Virtual Uncommon Objective
We'll Handle This / Duel Of The Fates Virtual Premium Objective
Alderaan Consular Ship Virtual Uncommon-2 Starship
Bravo Fighter Virtual Common Starship
Jedi Starfighter Virtual Rare Starship
Obi-Wan In Radiant VII Virtual Rare Starship
Republic Corvette Virtual Uncommon-2 Starship
Bowcaster Virtual Rare-2 Weapon
Elegant Lightsaber Virtual Common Weapon
Jedi Lightsaber Virtual Uncommon-1 Weapon

Dark Side Card List[]

Type Breakdown[]

  • 1 Admiral's Order
  • 14 Characters
  • 1 Device
  • 12 Effects
  • 4 Interrupts
  • 1 Location
  • 1 Vehicle
  • 1 Weapon

Rarity Breakdown[]

  • 35 Virtuals

Side Breakdown[]

  • 35 Dark
Nothing Can Get Through Our Shield Virtual Rare Admiral's Order
Aurra Sing Virtual Rare Character
Aurra Sing (AI) Virtual Rare Character
Chokk VIrtual Uncommon Character
Coruscant Guard Virtual Common Character
Daultay Dofine Virtual Rare Character
Elite Squadron Stormtrooper Virtual Common Character
Jango Fett Virtual Premium Character
Keder The Black Virtual Rare Character
Lord Sidious Virtual Uncommon Character
Sebulba Virtual Rare Character
Sebulba (AI) VIrtual Rare Character
Sith Probe Droid Virtual Rare Character
Watto Virtual Rare Character
Watto (AI) Virtual Rare Character
Mandalorian Armor Virtual Rare Device
A Sith's Plans Virtual Uncommon Effect
An Enemy Of The Republic Virtual Common-2 Effect
At Last We Are Getting Results Virtual Common Effect
Establish Control Virtual Uncommon Effect
Expand The Empire Virtual Rare-1 Effect
Nute Gunray's Bounty Virtual Uncommon Effect
Order 66 Virtual Common Effect
Strategic Reserves Virtual Rare Effect
Trained In The Jedi Arts Virtual Premium Effect
Where Are Those Droidekas?! Virtual Premium Effect
Wipe Them Out, All Of Them! Virtual Uncommon Effect
With Thunderous Applause Virtual Rare Effect
Force Push Virtual Premium Interrupt
Sith Fury Virtual Common Interrupt
Trade Federation Tactics Virtual Uncommon Interrupt
Vader's Anger Virtual Common Interrupt
Coruscant: Chancellor's Office Virtual Common Location
Maul's Sith Speeder Virtual Common Vehicle
Dark Jedi Lightsaber Virtual Uncommon-1 Weapon

External Links[]
