The Shadows is the first expansion set of the Babylon 5 CCG. It is published by Precedence Publishing in 1998 and consists of 217 cards.
Type Breakdown[]
- 24 Aftermaths
- 9 Agendas
- 22 Characters
- 26 Conflicts
- 49 Enhancements
- 60 Events
- 7 Fleets
- 8 Groups
- 9 Locations
Rarity Breakdown[]
- 50 Commons
- 47 Uncommons
- 6 Uncommon (U1)
- 100 Rares
- 10 Promos
- 1 Autograph
Card Lists[]
A Final Statement | Rare | Event |
A Moment of Beauty | Uncommon | Event |
Act of War | Common | Event |
Additional Force | Rare | Event |
Aiding the Shadows | Common | Event |
Aiding the Vorlons | Common | Event |
Ambassador Kosh | Rare | Character |
Ambitious Captain | Common | Character |
Ancient Rivals | Uncommon | Aftermath |
Annex Neutral World | Rare | Conflict |
Assassination Device | Rare | Enhancement |
Associates Revealed | Uncommon | Aftermath |
At Peak Performance | Uncommon | Event |
Atmospheric Fighters | Common | Enhancement |
Attack Babylon 5 | Rare | Conflict |
Block Progress | Common | Event |
Bloodied but Unbowed | Common | Event |
Body Armor | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Border World | Uncommon | Location |
Broken Allegiance | Promo | Event |
Brother Theo | Common | Character |
Build Infrastructure | Uncommon | Agenda |
Bureaucracy | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Bureaucratic Controls | Promo | Enhancement |
Calenn | Rare | Character |
Calling the Shots | Rare | Enhancement |
Casualties | Common | Aftermath |
Catastrophic Damage | Uncommon | Aftermath |
Centauri Beta I | Rare | Location |
Change of Direction | Rare | Event |
Commander Ivanova | Uncommon (U1) | Character |
Conquered Holding | Uncommon | Location |
Consumed by Shadows | Rare | Aftermath |
Convincing Words | Common | Event |
Corrupted Destiny | Uncommon | Conflict |
Coup de Grace (sic) | Rare | Conflict |
Covering Weaknesses | Rare | Event |
Credit Ship | Promo | Enhancement |
Damaged from Within | Rare | Enhancement |
Debt of Gratitude | Common | Aftermath |
Dedicated Follower | Rare | Event |
Defense Treaty | Promo | Conflict |
Delay the War | Common | Conflict |
Directing Events | Common | Event |
Disciple of Light | Rare | Agenda |
Disruption | Common | Conflict |
Elder Races Triumph | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Eliminate Threats | Rare | Event |
Emergency Repairs | Common | Event |
Emperor Cartagia | Rare | Character |
Entil'zha | Rare | Character |
Evidence of Shadows | Promo | Event |
Extermination | Uncommon | Conflict |
Factional Inertia | Rare | Enhancement |
Fast Learner | Rare | Enhancement |
Followers of G'Quan | Rare | Group |
Force the Issue | Common | Event |
Forging Alliances | Rare | Agenda |
Freedom of Choice | Rare | Aftermath |
Gather Rebels | Rare | Agenda |
Glitch | Common | Event |
Government Aid | Rare | Enhancement |
Government Hostility | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Grey Council Servitor | Uncommon | Character |
Growing Skepticism | Rare | Enhancement |
Healing Artifact | Rare | Enhancement |
Heavy Resistance | Rare | Enhancement |
Held Back | Rare | Enhancement |
Heralds of the Grey | Rare | Group |
Hidden Corruption | Rare | Event |
Hidden Safehouse | Common | Event |
High Level Connections | Uncommon | Group |
Hollow Victory | Rare | Event |
Impasse | Common | Conflict |
In Chaos, Uncertainty | Rare | Event |
In the Spotlight | Rare | Aftermath |
Inconclusive Strike | Promo | Event |
Information Overload | Rare | Enhancement |
Internal Opposition | Uncommon | Event |
Into Their Own | Uncommon | Aftermath |
Knowledge, Then Action | Rare | Enhancement |
Lashing Out | Rare | Event |
Learn Their Weaknesses | Rare | Conflict |
Leaving the Past | Uncommon | Conflict |
Liberating Resources | Uncommon | Event |
Looking Ahead | Rare | Conflict |
Lord Mollari | Rare | Character |
Lost in Shadows | Rare | Event |
Low Morale | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Loyal Guardsmen | Uncommon | Group |
Managed Growth | Rare | Agenda |
Manifest Destiny | Rare | Agenda |
Military Buildup | Uncommon | Agenda |
Minbari Fighting Pike | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Mindwipe | Rare | Conflict |
Minister Virini | Uncommon (U1) | Character |
Misdirected Force | Uncommon (U1) | Event |
Mobilize Reserves | Common | Enhancement |
Modern Refit | Common | Enhancement |
Monks | Rare | Group |
Mr. Morden | Rare | Character |
Mr. Morden | Autograph | Character |
Muster Support | Uncommon | Agenda |
Mysterious Protections | Rare | Event |
Na'Mel | Uncommon | Character |
New Opportunities | Rare | Enhancement |
New Priorities | Rare | Event |
Nightwatch Agent | Common | Character |
Nightwatch Enforcers | Uncommon | Group |
No Alternatives | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Not Alone | Rare | Event |
Not in Vain | Common | Event |
Observation Post | Uncommon (U1) | Location |
Obstacles to Victory | Rare | Enhancement |
Over the Brink | Rare | Event |
Past Victories | Promo | Enhancement |
Peaceful Solutions | Rare | Enhancement |
Permanent Wound | Rare | Aftermath |
Personal Insult | Common | Event |
Political Pull | Rare | Aftermath |
Portents | Uncommon | Event |
PPG Rifle | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Preeminence | Rare | Enhancement |
Prejudice Grows | Uncommon (U1) | Enhancement |
Presidential Coup | Rare | Enhancement |
Prey on the Weak | Common | Conflict |
Prove Your Worth | Rare | Enhancement |
Psionic Pacification | Rare | Conflict |
Public Outcry | Common | Aftermath |
Puppeteer | Rare | Event |
Raising the Stakes | Rare | Event |
Rampage | Uncommon | Event |
Ranger Operations | Rare | Group |
Rapid Recovery | Common | Event |
Rebuilding Effort | Common | Event |
Recalled | Rare | Enhancement |
Recover and Regroup | Rare | Event |
Reducing Risk | Uncommon | Event |
Reeling from the Blows | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Refusal to Yield | Rare | Aftermath |
Reluctant Allies | Rare | Enhancement |
Removed from Power | Common | Conflict |
Reverse Engineering | Uncommon | Conflict |
Search for Direction | Common | Event |
Sebastian | Rare | Character |
Seeds of Anarchy | Uncommon | Conflict |
Senator Young | Rare | Character |
Shadow Aid | Uncommon | Conflict |
Shadow Contact | Promo | Character |
Shadow Medaillon | Rare | Enhancement |
Shadow Retribution | Rare | Aftermath |
Shadow Ship | Uncommon | Fleet |
Sigma 957 | Rare | Location |
Slow Poison | Uncommon | Conflict |
Slow Recovery | Common | Aftermath |
Sowing Unrest | Common | Conflict |
Special Intelligence | Rare | Group |
Spread Unrest | Rare | Event |
Squandered Chances | Common | Event |
Stagnation | Rare | Enhancement |
Statement of Position | Uncommon | Conflict |
Status Quo | Rare | Event |
Stim Addiction | Rare | Aftermath |
Stolen Spoils | Rare | Aftermath |
Stripped Bare | Rare | Event |
Support Fleet | Common | Fleet |
Support Fleet | Common | Fleet |
Support Fleet | Common | Fleet |
Support Fleet | Common | Fleet |
Survey in Force | Uncommon | Conflict |
Sworn to Shadows | Rare | Enhancement |
Taking Credit | Rare | Conflict |
Taralenn II | Rare | Location |
Telekinesis | Rare | Enhancement |
Temporary Aid | Common | Event |
Test of Merit | Uncommon (U1) | Enhancement |
The Long Night | Common | Aftermath |
The Lure of Shadow | Rare | Agenda |
The Vorlons Respond | Rare | Aftermath |
The White Star | Rare | Fleet |
The Young Races Rise | Rare | Enhancement |
Their Own Destiny | Common | Event |
Things to Come | Common | Event |
To Fight Legends | Uncommon | Event |
To Stand Alone | Rare | Enhancement |
To the Victor | Rare | Aftermath |
Tolonius VII | Uncommon | Location |
Too Predictable | Uncommon | Event |
Trivial Gains | Common | Event |
Troubles Brewing | Common | Event |
Twisting the Knife | Uncommon | Aftermath |
Uncertain Followers | Common | Enhancement |
Uncertain Futures | Rare | Event |
Underground Resistance | Common | Enhancement |
Undermine Trust | Rare | Conflict |
Unheralded Losses | Rare | Event |
Unrelenting Pressure | Promo | Enhancement |
Unsung Hero | Rare | Enhancement |
Va'Kal | Rare | Character |
Veteran Fleet | Promo | Enhancement |
Vorlon Cruiser | Uncommon | Fleet |
Vorlon Protection | Uncommon | Conflict |
Vorlon Proxy | Common | Enhancement |
Vorlon Space | Rare | Location |
Vorlons Ascendent | Common | Aftermath |
Walkabout | Rare | Aftermath |
We Can't Allow That | Common | Event |
When Duty Calls | Rare | Aftermath |
William Morgan Clark | Rare | Character |
Withdrawal | Common | Event |
Za'thras | Rare | Character |
Zath'ras | Common | Character |
Zathras' | Uncommon | Character |
Z'ha'dum Awakened | Rare | Location |