Severed Dreams is the sixth expansion set of the Babylon 5 CCG. It is published by Precedence Publishing in 1999 and consists of 157 cards.
Type Breakdown[]
- 16 Aftermaths
- 7 Agendas
- 43 Characters
- 26 Conflicts
- 7 Contingencies
- 22 Enhancements
- 29 Events
- 7 Groups
Rarity Breakdown[]
- 50 Commons
- 50 Uncommons
- 50 Rares
- 4 Promos
- 3 Autographs
Card Lists[]
50 Credits a Week | Common | Event |
A Shot in the Dark | Rare | Event |
A World Gone Mad | Uncommon | Event |
Alexander | Rare | Enhancement |
Alien Scum | Common | Event |
Alyt | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Alyt Neroon | Rare | Character |
Anti-Psi Training | Common | Event |
Assume Authority | Rare | Conflict |
Attaché | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Attaché Cotto | Rare | Character |
Attack the Underlings | Common | Conflict |
Between You & The Abyss | Rare | Event |
Breaching Pod | Common | Event |
Brevari! | Promo | Event |
Cannot Run Out of Time | Uncommon | Conflict |
Captain Sheridan | Rare | Character |
Captain Sheridan | Rare | Character |
Captain Sinclair | Rare | Character |
Captain Sinclair | Autograph | Character |
Carve Up the Galaxy | Uncommon | Conflict |
Citizen G'Kar | Rare | Character |
Cocksure | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Compensation | Uncommon | Conflict |
Councilor Na'Far | Rare | Character |
Courtly Intrigue | Common | Agenda |
Cult of Personality | Uncommon | Aftermath |
Deep Agent | Common | Character |
Deeron | Common | Character |
Defuse the Situation | Uncommon | Conflict |
Delenn | Rare | Character |
Delenn | Rare | Character |
Delenn | Rare | Character |
Den'Sha | Rare | Conflict |
Desperate Measures | Uncommon | Event |
Disinformation | Uncommon | Conflict |
Do as You Are Told | Rare | Enhancement |
Dodger | Promo | Character |
Dogfight | Uncommon | Conflict |
Domestic Concerns | Common | Enhancement |
Doomed Expedition | Uncommon | Event |
Double-cross | Common | Contigency |
Draal the Caretaker | Rare | Character |
Dwindling Resources | Rare | Enhancement |
Efficiency Engineers | Common | Group |
Entil'zha Delenn | Rare | Character |
Evacuation | Common | Conflict |
Executive Aide | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Eye of the Storm | Rare | Agenda |
Facing Oblivion | Common | Event |
Fifth Column | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Flashback | Rare | Aftermath |
Foiled Scheme | Common | Aftermath |
Force Them Back | Uncommon | Conflict |
Friendless & Forgotten | Common | Aftermath |
Giant Fusion Bomb | Uncommon | Conflict |
G'Kar | Rare | Character |
G'Kar Forsaken | Rare | Character |
Gravity Well | Common | Event |
Handy Dandy Micro Helper | Rare | Conflict |
Head on a Pike | Common | Aftermath |
Hello, Old Friend | Uncommon | Conflict |
Honored Position | Uncommon | Conflict |
How Dare You? | Uncommon | Contingency |
Incentives | Common | Enhancement |
Information Control | Uncommon | Conflict |
Jane | Rare | Character |
Jane | Autograph | Character |
Journalistic Integrity | Common | Aftermath |
Kha'Ri Citadel | Rare | Enhancement |
Lady Daggair | Rare | Character |
Lady Mariel | Uncommon | Character |
Lady Timov | Uncommon | Character |
Lise Hampton Edgars | Uncommon | Character |
Londo Mollari | Rare | Character |
Londo Mollari | Rare | Character |
Londo's Wives | Uncommon | Group |
Major Krantz | Common | Character |
Malcontent | Common | Character |
Man for All Seasons | Rare | Enhancement |
Mass Carnage | Rare | Aftermath |
Mister Allan | Rare | Character |
Mister Welles | Rare | Character |
Mutual Understanding | Uncommon | Event |
Natural Born Leader | Common | Aftermath |
Nay-Sayer | Common | Enhancement |
Nest of Vipers | Uncommon | Group |
Nightwatch Collaborators | Uncommon | Group |
No One Returns | Uncommon | Contigency |
Not The One | Uncommon | Event |
Now He's Ready | Common | Aftermath |
Nuclear Bluff | Uncommon | Conflict |
Number One | Rare | Character |
Offer a Position | Common | Event |
Our Own People First | Common | Agenda |
Oversight Committee | Uncommon | Group |
Overwhelmed | Common | Contingency |
Paparazzi | Common | Enhancement |
Pariah | Uncommon | Aftermath |
Partnership for Peace | Common | Conflict |
Penultimate Revenge | Uncommon | Conflict |
Pestilence, Famine, Death | Uncommon | Event |
Pierce Macabee | Uncommon | Character |
Predestination | Uncommon | Event |
Prime Minister Refa | Rare | Character |
Psi World | Rare | Event |
Psychopath | Common | Character |
Quartermaster | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Question Authority | Common | Conflict |
Ranger Lennier | Rare | Character |
Ranger Lennier | Autograph | Character |
Rapid Aging | Uncommon | Aftermath |
Redeemed | Uncommon | Event |
Resist Control | Common | Conflict |
Right Makes Might | Uncommon | Event |
Rising Star | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Secrets of Success | Promo | Event |
Senator King | Uncommon | Character |
Shining Beacon in Space | Rare | Conflict |
Silent Majority | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Sniper | Common | Character |
Snoop | Common | Enhancement |
Steal Babylon 4 | Common | Agenda |
Suicide Run | Common | Event |
Sycophant | Common | Character |
Tacticians | Uncommon | Group |
Taking Sides | Common | Aftermath |
Taree | Promo | Event |
The Conspiracy Deepens | Common | Agenda |
The Hive | Uncommon | Group |
The Messiah Effect | Rare | Enhancement |
The One | Rare | Aftermath |
The Path to Peace | Common | Agenda |
They're Killing Us! | Uncommon | Conflict |
Thug | Common | Character |
Time Jump | Rare | Conflict |
Time Stabilizer | Common | Enhancement |
Toast to Victory | Common | Aftermath |
Tonia Wallis | Common | Character |
Trakis | Rare | Character |
Triple-cross | Rare | Event |
Under Our Protection | Uncommon | Contingency |
Unstuck In Time | Rare | Aftermath |
Valen's War | Rare | Aftermath |
VIP Involvement | Rare | Event |
War Crimes Trial | Rare | Conflict |
Warriors Council | Common | Agenda |
Watch Your Back | Common | Conflict |
We Die for The One | Uncommon | Contigency |
Why Are You Here? | Rare | Enhancement |
Why Are You Hitting Me? | Common | Contingency |
With Us or Against Us | Common | Event |
Written in the Stars | Common | Event |
Xenophobia | Common | Event |
You Have a Destiny | Uncommon | Enhancement |
You Three Are One | Rare | Event |
Zathras Who Was | Rare | Character |