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Scoutencounter REFL
Scout Encounter (Reflections)
Game/Set: Star Trek CCG 1st Edition









Statistics Scout Encounter
Rarity Very Rare
Printing Foil
Type Dilemma
Property Logo Star Trek: First Contact
Icons Space/Planet First Contact
Lore Many species send specially designed scout ships into unexplored sectors of space. If the species is aggressive, the arrival of a scout ships is a harbinger of trouble.
Game Text Opponent may download to this location one scout ship with one or two Universal crew members. That ship may (if possible) initiate battle against you or move away.
Characteristics Space/Planet dilemma, Non-skill dilemma
Resolution Guide Opponent may choose to download a scout ship to this location. With ship, at least one or up to two compatible Universal personnel must be downloaded aboard. (This is not a report with crew action.) Eligible ships have "scout" in ship or class name (not lore). If at least one compatible [Univ] personnel is not available for download, a ship cannot be downloaded.
If opponent downloads ship and crew, opponent may then take one of three actions: attack, move, or nothing. (No other actions are possible, unless allowed by another card.) To attack, crew must include a leader, affiliation attack restrictions must be obeyed, and at least one matching personnel must be aboard. To move, the ship must be staffed; movement can be to another spaceline location OR to land (if capable); ship may not move to another location and land. To do nothing, ship remains at mission where downloaded.
If opponent does not download a ship and crew, downloads but does not attack, or chooses to do nothing with ship, Away Team/ship and crew not stopped. Discard dilemma; mission continues.
Legal Card Pools
Legal Rules Sets
Characters none
Actors none
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