Revised Dagobah | |
![]() Booster | |
About | |
Game/Set: | Star Wars CCG |
Expansion: |
Revised Dagobah |
Publisher: |
Country: |
Language: |
English |
Cards Total: |
180 |
Revised Dagobah is the 18th expansion of Star Wars CCG. It is published by Decipher 1998 and consists of 180 cards. It was available in 9-card boosters and 30 pack booster boxes. A booster contained 1 rare, 3 uncommons and 5 commons.
Light Side Card List[]
Type Breakdown[]
- 2 Characters
- 5 Creatures
- 8 Devices
- 29 Effects
- 30 Interrupts
- 5 Jedi Tests
- 11 Locations
Rarity Breakdown[]
Side Breakdown[]
- 90 Light
Son Of Skywalker | Rare | Character |
Yoda | Rare | Character |
Bog-wing | Common | Creature |
Mynock | Common | Creature |
Nudj | Common | Creature |
Space Slug | Rare | Creature |
Vine Snake | Common | Creature |
Astromech Translator | Common | Device |
Droid Sensorscope | Uncommon | Device |
Han's Toolkit | Rare | Device |
Landing Claw | Rare | Device |
Luke's Backpack | Rare | Device |
Portable Fusion Generator | Common | Device |
Rebel Flight Suit | Common | Device |
Retractable Arm | Common | Device |
Anger, Fear, Aggression | Common | Effect |
Asteroid Sanctuary | Common | Effect |
Asteroids Do Not Concern Me | Rare | Effect |
At Peace | Rare | Effect |
Descent Into The Dark | Rare | Effect |
Do, Or Do Not | Common | Effect |
Encampment | Common | Effect |
Flash Of Insight | Uncommon | Effect |
Grounded Starfighter | Uncommon | Effect |
Hiding In The Garbage | Rare | Effect |
Ineffective Maneuver | Uncommon | Effect |
Never Tell Me The Odds | Common | Effect |
No Disintegrations! | Rare | Effect |
Obi-Wan's Apparition | Rare | Effect |
Order To Engage | Rare | Effect |
Polarized Negative Power Coupling | Rare | Effect |
Quick Draw | Common | Effect |
Reflection | Rare | Effect |
Report To Lord Vader | Rare | Effect |
Rogue Asteroid | Common | Effect |
Rycar's Run | Rare | Effect |
Scramble | Uncommon | Effect |
Smuggler's Blues | Rare | Effect |
Stone Pile | Rare | Effect |
The Professor | Rare | Effect |
Wars Not Make One Great | Uncommon | Effect |
What Is Thy Bidding, My Master? | Rare | Effect |
Yoda's Gimer Stick | Rare | Effect |
Yoda's Hope | Uncommon | Effect |
Away Put Your Weapon | Uncommon | Interrupt |
Blasted Varmints | Common | Interrupt |
Closer?! | Uncommon | Interrupt |
Control | Uncommon | Interrupt |
Effective Repairs | Rare | Interrupt |
Egregious Pilot Error | Rare | Interrupt |
Found Someone You Have | Uncommon | Interrupt |
I Have A Bad Feeling About This | Rare | Interrupt |
Jedi Levitation | Rare | Interrupt |
Levitation | Uncommon | Interrupt |
Light Maneuvers | Rare | Interrupt |
Lost Relay | Common | Interrupt |
Moving To Attack Position | Common | Interrupt |
Recoil In Fear | Common | Interrupt |
Shoo! Shoo! | Uncommon | Interrupt |
Starship Levitation | Uncommon | Interrupt |
They'd Be Crazy To Follow Us | Common | Interrupt |
This Is More Like It | Rare | Interrupt |
This Is No Cave | Rare | Interrupt |
Through The Force Things You Will See | Rare | Interrupt |
Tight Squeeze | Rare | Interrupt |
Transmission Terminated | Uncommon | Interrupt |
Tunnel Vision | Uncommon | Interrupt |
Visored Vision | Common | Interrupt |
We Can Still Outmaneuver Them | Rare | Interrupt |
We Don't Need Their Scum | Rare | Interrupt |
WHAAAAAAAAAOOOOW! | Rare | Interrupt |
Yoda Stew | Uncommon | Interrupt |
Yoda, You Seek Yoda | Rare | Interrupt |
You Do Have Your Moments | Uncommon | Interrupt |
A Jedi's Strength | Uncommon | Jedi Test |
Domain Of Evil | Common | Jedi Test |
Great Warrior | Common | Jedi Test |
It Is The Future You See | Rare | Jedi Test |
Size Matters Not | Rare | Jedi Test |
Anoat | Uncommon | Location |
Asteroid Field | Common | Location |
Big One | Uncommon | Location |
Big One: Asteroid Cave Or Space Slug Belly | Uncommon | Location |
Dagobah | Uncommon | Location |
Dagobah: Bog Clearing | Rare | Location |
Dabogah: Jungle | Uncommon | Location |
Dagobah: Swamp | Uncommon | Location |
Dagobah: Training Area | Common | Location |
Dagobah: Yoda's Hut | Rare | Location |
Raithal | Rare | Location |
Dark Side Card List[]
Type Breakdown[]
- 17 Characters
- 6 Creatures
- 22 Effects
- 18 Interrupts
- 12 Locations
- 8 Starships
- 7 Weapons
Rarity Breakdown[]
Side Breakdown[]
- 90 Dark
4-LOM | Rare | Character |
Bossk | Rare | Character |
Captain Needa | Rare | Character |
Comm Chief | Common | Character |
Commander Brandei | Uncommon | Character |
Commander Gherant | Uncommon | Character |
Commander Nemet | Uncommon | Character |
Corporal Derdram | Uncommon | Character |
Corporal Vandolay | Uncommon | Character |
Dengar | Rare | Character |
IG-88 | Rare | Character |
Imperial Helmsman | Common | Character |
Lieutenant Commander Ardan | Uncommon | Character |
Lieutenant Suba | Rare | Character |
Lieutenant Venka | Uncommon | Character |
Warrant Officer M'Kae | Uncommon | Character |
Zuckuss | Rare | Character |
Bog-wing | Common | Creature |
Dragonsnake | Rare | Creature |
Mynock | Common | Creature |
Sleen | Common | Creature |
Space Slug | Uncommon | Creature |
Vine Snake | Common | Creature |
3,720 To 1 | Common | Effect |
Awwww, Cannot Get Your Ship Out | Common | Effect |
Bad Feeling Have I | Rare | Effect |
Bombing Run | Rare | Effect |
Broken Concentration | Rare | Effect |
Corrosive Damage | Rare | Effect |
Failure At The Cave | Rare | Effect |
Field Promotion | Rare | Effect |
Flagship | Rare | Effect |
He Is Not Ready | Common | Effect |
I Want That Ship | Rare | Effect |
Knowledge And Defense | Common | Effect |
Location, Location, Location | Rare | Effect |
Lost In Space | Rare | Effect |
Much Anger In Him | Rare | Effect |
Precision Targeting | Uncommon | Effect |
Rogue Asteroid | Common | Effect |
Shot In The Dark | Uncommon | Effect |
Sudden Impact | Uncommon | Effect |
The Dark Path | Rare | Effect |
There Is No Try | Common | Effect |
Visage Of The Emperor | Rare | Effect |
A Dangerous Time | Common | Interrupt |
Apology Accepted | Common | Interrupt |
Close Call | Common | Interrupt |
Control | Uncommon | Interrupt |
Defensive Fire | Common | Interrupt |
Fear | Common | Interrupt |
Frustration | Rare | Interrupt |
HoloNet Transmission | Uncommon | Interrupt |
Imbalance | Uncommon | Interrupt |
Lando System? | Rare | Interrupt |
Res Luk Ra'auf | Rare | Interrupt |
Shut Him Up Or Shut Him Down | Uncommon | Interrupt |
Something Hit Us! | Common | Interrupt |
Take Evasive Action | Common | Interrupt |
Those Rebels Won't Escape Us | Common | Interrupt |
Uncertain Is The Future | Common | Interrupt |
Unexpected Interruption | Rare | Interrupt |
Voyeur | Common | Interrupt |
Anoat | Uncommon | Location |
Asteroid Field | Common | Location |
Big One | Uncommon | Location |
Big One: Asteroid Cave or Space Slug Belly | Uncommon | Location |
Dagobah: Cave | Rare | Location |
Executor: Comm Station | Uncommon | Location |
Executor: Control Station | Uncommon | Location |
Executor: Holotheatre | Rare | Location |
Executor: Main Corridor | Common | Location |
Executor: Meditation Chamber | Rare | Location |
Raithal | Uncommon | Location |
Star Destroyer: Launch Bay | Common | Location |
Avenger | Rare | Starship |
Executor | Rare | Starship |
Hound's Tooth | Rare | Starship |
IG-2000 | Rare | Starship |
Mist Hunter | Rare | Starship |
Punishing One | Rare | Starship |
TIE Avenger | Common | Starship |
TIE Bomber | Uncommon | Starship |
4-LOM's Concussion Rifle | Rare | Weapon |
Bossk's Mortar Gun | Rare | Weapon |
Dengar's Blaster Carbine | Rare | Weapon |
IG-88's Neural Inhibitor | Rare | Weapon |
IG-88's Pulse Cannon | Rare | Weapon |
Proton Bombs | Uncommon | Weapon |
Zuckuss' Snare Rifle | Rare | Weapon |
- Dagobah at