Revised A New Hope | |
Booster Box | |
About | |
Game/Set: | Star Wars CCG |
Expansion: |
Revised A New Hope |
Publisher: |
Country: |
Language: |
English |
Cards Total: |
161 |
Revised A New Hope is the 15th expansion of Star Wars CCG. It is published by Decipher 1998 and consists of 162 cards. It was available in 9-card boosters and 30 pack booster boxes. A booster contained 1 rare, 3 uncommons and 5 commons.
The expansion symbol for this expansion is two crossed lightsabers.
Light Side Card List[]
Type Breakdown[]
- 28 Characters
- 5 Devices
- 12 Effects
- 1 Epic Event
- 17 Interrupts
- 9 Locations
- 6 Starships
- 2 Vehicles
- 5 Weapons
Rarity Breakdown[]
Side Breakdown[]
- 81 Light
Arcona | Common-2 | Character |
Brainiac | Rare-1 | Character |
Chewbacca | Rare-2 | Character |
Commander Evram Lajaie | Common-1 | Character |
Commander Vanden Willard | Uncommon-2 | Character |
Corellian | Common-2 | Character |
Doikk Na'ts | Uncommon-2 | Character |
Garouf Lafoe | Uncommon-2 | Character |
Het Nkik | Uncommon-2 | Character |
Hunchback | Rare-1 | Character |
Ickabel G'ont | Uncommon-2 | Character |
M-HYD 'Binary' Droid | Uncommon-1 | Character |
Nalan Cheel | Uncommon-2 | Character |
R2-D2 (Artoo-Detoo) | Rare-2 | Character |
R5-D4 (Arfive-Defour) | Common-2 | Character |
RA-7 (Aray-Seven) | Common-2 | Character |
Rebel Commander | Common-2 | Character |
Rebel Squad Leader | Common-3 | Character |
Rebel Tech | Common-1 | Character |
Saurin | Common-2 | Character |
Tiree | Uncommon-2 | Character |
Tzizvvt | Rare-2 | Character |
Wedge Antilles | Rare-1 | Character |
Zutton | Common-1 | Character |
Fire Extinguisher | Uncommon-2 | Device |
Magnetic Suction Tube | Rare-2 | Device |
Rectenna | Common-2 | Device |
Remote | Common-2 | Device |
Sensor Panel | Uncommon-2 | Device |
Cell 2187 | Rare-1 | Effect |
Commence Recharging | Rare-2 | Effect |
Eject! Eject! | Common-2 | Effect |
Grappling Hook | Common-2 | Effect |
Logistical Delay | Uncommon-2 | Effect |
Luke's Cape | Rare-1 | Effect |
Merc Sunlet | Common-2 | Effect |
Scanner Techs | Uncommon-1 | Effect |
Solomahal | Common-2 | Effect |
They're On Dantooine | Rare-1 | Effect |
Undercover | Uncommon-2 | Effect |
What're You Tryin' To Push On Us? | Uncommon-2 | Effect |
Attack Run | Rare-2 | Epic Event |
Advance Preparation | Uncommon-1 | Interrupt |
Alternatives To Fighting | Uncommon-1 | Interrupt |
Blast The Door, Kid! | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Blue Milk | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Corellian Slip | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Double Agent | Rare-2 | Interrupt |
Grimtaash | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Houjix | Common-2 | Interrupt |
I Have A Very Bad Feeling About This | Common-2 | Interrupt |
I'm Here To Rescue You | Uncommon-1 | Interrupt |
Let The Wookiee Win | Rare-1 | Interrupt |
Out Of Commission | Uncommon-2 | Interrupt |
Quite A Mercenary | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Sabotage | Uncommon-1 | Interrupt |
Sorry About The Mess | Uncommon-1 | Interrupt |
Wookiee Roar | Rare-1 | Interrupt |
You're All Clear Kid! | Rare-1 | Interrupt |
Clak'dor VII | Rare-2 | Location |
Corellia | Rare-1 | Location |
Death Star: Trench | Rare-2 | Location |
Dejarik Hologameboard | Rare-1 | Location |
Kashyyyk | Common-1 | Location |
Ralltiir | Common-1 | Location |
Sandcrawler: Loading Bay | Rare-1 | Location |
Yavin 4: Briefing Room | Uncommon-1 | Location |
Yavin 4: Massassi Ruins | Uncommon-1 | Location |
Gold 2 | Uncommon-2 | Starship |
Red 2 | Rare-1 | Starship |
Red 5 | Rare-1 | Starship |
Red 6 | Uncommon-1 | Starship |
Tantive IV | Rare-1 | Starship |
Y-wing Assault Squadron | Uncommon-1 | Starship |
Incom T-16 Skyhopper | Common-2 | Vehicle |
Rogue Bantha | Common-1 | Vehicle |
Bowcaster | Rare-2 | Weapon |
Jawa Ion Gun | Common-2 | Weapon |
Luke's Hunting Rifle | Uncommon-1 | Weapon |
Motti Seeker | Rare-2 | Weapon |
SW-4 Ion Cannon | Rare-2 | Weapon |
Dark Side Card List[]
Type Breakdown[]
- 28 Characters
- 1 Creature
- 5 Devices
- 14 Effects
- 1 Epic Event
- 12 Interrupts
- 8 Locations
- 5 Starships
- 2 Vehicles
- 5 Weapons
Rarity Breakdown[]
Side Breakdown[]
- 81 Dark
Advosze | Common-2 | Character |
Captain Khurgee | Uncommon-1 | Character |
Dannik Jerriko | Rare-1 | Character |
Danz Borin | Uncommon-2 | Character |
Death Star Gunner | Common-1 | Character |
Defel | Common-2 | Character |
DS-61-4 | Rare-2 | Character |
Greedo | Rare-1 | Character |
Hem Dazon | Rare-1 | Character |
Imperial Commander | Common-2 | Character |
Imperial Squad Leader | Common-3 | Character |
IT-O (Eyetee-Oh) | Rare-1 | Character |
Lirin Car'n | Uncommon-2 | Character |
Lt. Pol Treidum | Common-1 | Character |
Lt. Shann Childsen | Uncommon-1 | Character |
Mosep | Uncommon-2 | Character |
Officer Evax | Common-1 | Character |
R2-Q2 (Artoo-Kyootoo) | Common-2 | Character |
R3-T6 (Arthree-Teesix) | Rare-1 | Character |
R5-A2 (Arfive-Aytoo) | Common-2 | Character |
Reegesk | Uncommon-2 | Character |
Reserve Pilot | Uncommon-1 | Character |
Rodian | Common-2 | Character |
Tech Mo'r | Uncommon-2 | Character |
Trooper Davin Felth | Rare-2 | Character |
U-3PO (Yoo-Threepio) | Rare-1 | Character |
URoRRuR'R'R | Uncommon-2 | Character |
WED15-I7 'Septoid' Droid | Uncommon-2 | Character |
Dianoga | Rare-2 | Creature |
Death Star Tractor Beam | Rare-2 | Device |
Hypo | Rare-1 | Device |
Laser Gate | Uncommon-2 | Device |
Magnetic Suction Tube | Rare-2 | Device |
Tractor Beam | Uncommon-1 | Device |
Astromech Shortage | Uncommon-2 | Effect |
Besieged | Rare-2 | Effect |
Come With Me | Common-2 | Effect |
Dark Waters | Rare-2 | Effect |
Hyperwave Scan | Uncommon-1 | Effect |
Imperial Justice | Common-2 | Effect |
Krayt Dragon Bones | Uncommon-1 | Effect |
Maneuver Check | Rare-2 | Effect |
Program Trap | Uncommon-1 | Effect |
Spice Mines of Kessel | Rare-1 | Effect |
Swilla Corey | Common-2 | Effect |
Tentacle | Common-2 | Effect |
There'll Be Hell To Pay | Uncommon-2 | Effect |
Undercover | Common-2 | Effect |
Commence Primary Ignition | Rare-2 | Epic Event |
Evader | Uncommon-1 | Interrupt |
Ghhhk | Common-2 | Interrupt |
I'm On The Leader | Rare-1 | Interrupt |
Informant | Uncommon-1 | Interrupt |
Monnok | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Ng'ok | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Oo-ta Goo-ta, Solo? | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Retract The Bridge | Rare-1 | Interrupt |
Sniper | Uncommon-1 | Interrupt |
Stunning Leader | Common-2 | Interrupt |
This Is Some Rescue! | Uncommon-1 | Interrupt |
We Have A Prisoner | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Death Star | Rare-2 | Location |
Death Star: Conference Room | Uncommon-1 | Location |
Imperial Holotable | Rare-1 | Location |
Kashyyyk | Common-1 | Location |
Kiffex | Rare-1 | Location |
Ralltiir | Common-1 | Location |
Sandcrawler: Droid Junkheep | Rare-1 | Location |
Tatooine: Bluffs | Rare-1 | Location |
Black 4 | Uncommon-2 | Starship |
Conquest | Rare-1 | Starship |
TIE Assault Squadron | Uncommon-1 | Starship |
TIE Vanguard | Common-2 | Starship |
Victory-Class Star Destroyer | Uncommon-1 | Starship |
Bespin Motors Void Spider THX 1138 | Common-2 | Vehicle |
Mobquet A-1 Deluxe Floater | Common-2 | Vehicle |
Enhanced TIE Laser Cannon | Common-2 | Weapon |
Jawa Blaster | Common-2 | Weapon |
Leia Seeker | Rare-2 | Weapon |
Superlaser | Rare-2 | Weapon |
URoRRuR'R'R's Hunting Rifle | Uncommon-1 | Weapon |
- A New Hope at