Psi Corps is the fifth expansion set of the Babylon 5 CCG. It is published by Precedence Publishing in 1999 and consists of 205 cards.
Type Breakdown[]
- 20 Aftermaths
- 8 Agendas
- 44 Characters
- 27 Conflicts
- 11 Contigencies
- 29 Enhancements
- 42 Events
- 7 Fleets
- 11 Groups
- 6 Locations
Rarity Breakdown[]
- 50 Commons
- 46 Fixed
- 50 Uncommons
- 50 Rares
- 5 Promos
- 3 Autographs
- 1 Box Topper
Card Lists[]
A Better Place | Rare | Aftermath |
A Meeting of Minds | Promo | Event |
A New Era | Common | Enhancement |
A Time for Peace | Uncommon | Event |
Abbut | Uncommon | Character |
Acclaim | Common | Aftermath |
Acknowledge Legitimacy | Uncommon | Conflict |
Administrator Drake | Fixed | Character |
Afraid of the Dark | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Age of Exploration | Common | Event |
Alfred Bester | Rare | Character |
Alfred Bester | Autograph | Character |
Alisa Beldon | Common | Character |
Anarchy | Rare | Conflict |
Anti-Telepath Virus | Rare | Conflict |
Arms Race | Common | Event |
At Any Cost | Uncommon | Event |
Balus | Rare | Location |
Be Seeing You | Fixed | Aftermath |
Bester | Fixed | Character |
Bester's Black Omega | Rare | Enhancement |
Black Omega Auxiliary | Fixed | Fleet |
Black Omega Fighters | Fixed | Fleet |
Black Omega Pilot | Fixed | Character |
Black Omega Squadron | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Blackmail | Fixed | Conflict |
Block | Common | Event |
Bloodhound | Fixed | Character |
Build Bridges | Common | Enhancement |
Burnt From Both Ends | Common | Event |
Burnt Out | Common | Aftermath |
Byron | Rare | Character |
Byron | Autograph | Character |
Cease-Fire | Common | Conflict |
Centauri Festival | Uncommon | Contigency |
Challenge Psi Corps | Uncommon | Agenda |
Chen Hikaru | Fixed | Character |
Come Join Us | Fixed | Agenda |
Commercial Telepaths | Fixed | Group |
Conspiracy! | Common | Event |
Continued Progress | Uncommon | Event |
Convene The Grey Council | Rare | Event |
Cyborg Reconstruction | Rare | Enhancement |
Cynthia & Rosa | Uncommon | Character |
Danger Sense | Fixed | Contingency |
Dark Talia | Rare | Character |
David | Common | Character |
Diplomatic Recognition | Common | Enhancement |
Direct Link | Common | Contingency |
Divide and Conquer | Uncommon | Conflict |
Don't You Trust Me? | Common | Conflict |
Doomed Conspiracy | Rare | Conflict |
Drop Your Barriers | Fixed | Enhancement |
Dust | Common | Event |
Earth | Fixed | Location |
Ego Boost | Common | Event |
Elder Statesman | Promo | Enhancement |
Elite Black Omega | Rare | Fleet |
Empathy | Fixed | Conflict |
Exercises of the Mind | Fixed | Aftermath |
Expanded Network | Fixed | Event |
Expendable | Uncommon | Event |
Exposed | Common | Conflict |
Forget Something? | Rare | Conflict |
Front Page Exposure | Uncommon | Aftermath |
Gestalt | Rare | Event |
Good to Go | Uncommon | Event |
Gordon | Fixed | Character |
Greed | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Guerillas | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Harriman Gray | Fixed | Character |
Hired Hand | Common | Event |
Hole In Your Mind | Uncommon | Conflict |
Homeworld Fleet | Fixed | Fleet |
Hunting the Blips | Rare | Agenda |
I'd Die First | Uncommon | Event |
Informant | Rare | Conflict |
Insufficient Support | Common | Event |
Internal Disruptions | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Irrelevant | Rare | Enhancement |
Is That the Whole Truth? | Common | Conflict |
Isdrell | Rare | Character |
Jason's Gift | Rare | Aftermath |
Jecinda | Uncommon | Character |
Join the Corps | Promo | Enhancement |
Jonathan Harris | Uncommon | Character |
Juphar Trkider | Uncommon | Character |
Katz | Rare | Character |
Kelsey | Fixed | Character |
Korrinine | Rare | Character |
Last Ditch Effort | Common | Contingency |
Laurel Takashima | Rare | Character |
Lavindra | Rare | Character |
Level the Playing Field | Fixed | Event |
Like Unto The Gods | Uncommon | Event |
Lindstrom | Common | Character |
Lise Hampton | Common | Character |
Living Legends | Uncommon | Event |
Make Them Angry | Common | Conflict |
Manipulate the Masters | Rare | Contingency |
Mass Rioting | Rare | Event |
Master Manipulation | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Master of Deception | Uncommon | Aftermath |
Master Plan | Fixed | Enhancement |
Matthew Stoner | Fixed | Character |
Military Telepaths | Fixed | Group |
Mind Games | Fixed | Conflict |
Minds That Matter | Common | Event |
Mindwalkers | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Misdirection | Rare | Aftermath |
Miss Constance | Common | Character |
Mistaken Identity | Common | Contingency |
Mother Ship Alpha | Rare | Fleet |
Movekk | Uncommon | Character |
My Hands are Tied | Rare | Event |
Negotiation Deadline | Uncommon | Event |
Nejokk | Common | Character |
Night of the Long Knives | Rare | Conflict |
No Surprises | Common | Conflict |
Nobody Can Stop Us | Fixed | Agenda |
Not Without a Fight | Uncommon | Agenda |
Nowhere But Down | Rare | Aftermath |
Obey | Fixed | Event |
Open Season | Rare | Event |
Oqmrritkz | Common | Location |
Ostracized | Uncommon | Aftermath |
Our Last, Best Hope | Rare | Enhancement |
Overwhelming Emotions | Rare | Aftermath |
Pain | Fixed | Event |
Personal Quest | Common | Enhancement |
Picket Fleet | Fixed | Fleet |
Political Firestorm | Common | Aftermath |
Proxima III | Fixed | Location |
Psi Academy | Common | Group |
Psi Arbitrators | Promo | Group |
Psi Attack | Fixed | Conflict |
Psi Bodyguard | Fixed | Enhancement |
Psi Corps Intelligence | Fixed | Group |
Psi Spies | Promo | Enhancement |
Psi Surpressors | Common | Conflict |
Psionic Sabotage | Common | Event |
Psychic Blunder | Common | Event |
Pundits | Uncommon | Aftermath |
Punitive Sanctions | Common | Conflict |
Religious Festival | Common | Event |
Repairing the Past | Fixed | Aftermath |
Reparations | Rare | Aftermath |
Reprogrammer | Uncommon | Character |
Reprogramming Team | Uncommon | Group |
Resigned to His Fate | Uncommon | Event |
Revenge is Sweet | Common | Contingency |
Rogue | Common | Enhancement |
Saboteurs | Common | Group |
Sanctity of the Mind | Common | Event |
Sara | Common | Character |
Say What They Want | Common | Event |
Secret Police | Fixed | Group |
Sector 90 | Uncommon | Location |
Seeing Shadows | Uncommon | Conflict |
Seeking Knowledge | Rare | Enhancement |
Sh'Sak | Rare | Character |
Star Chamber | Uncommon | Group |
Steal Skills | Fixed | Contingency |
Stealing Secrets | Rare | Conflict |
Stirring Rebuke | Uncommon | Event |
Strike Back! | Rare | Event |
Syria Planum | Fixed | Location |
Tactical Error | Uncommon | Contingency |
Talia Winters | Fixed | Character |
Team Player | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Telepath Colony | Uncommon | Agenda |
Telepath for Hire | Common | Character |
Telepath Hunter | Uncommon | Character |
Telepath Recruiters | Rare | Group |
Telepathic Revenge | Common | Contingency |
Telepathic Scan | Fixed | Conflict |
That's the Spirit | Uncommon | Event |
The Badge & The Gloves | Fixed | Enhancement |
The Corps Is Mother | Fixed | Agenda |
The Dreaming | Box Topper | Enhancement |
The Growing Conspiracy | Uncommon | Enhancement |
The Mind's Eye | Fixed | Event |
The Spider's Web | Common | Event |
They Are Not For You | Rare | Event |
They're Just Mundanes | Rare | Aftermath |
Thirteen | Rare | Character |
Thomas | Uncommon | Character |
Thought Police | Rare | Agenda |
Trade Pact | Fixed | Conflict |
Tunnel of Life & Death | Rare | Contingency |
Unauthorized Scan | Common | Aftermath |
Underground Leader | Rare | Character |
Underground Railroad | Uncommon | Group |
Underutilized Resources | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Universal Enemy | Rare | Aftermath |
Utility Fleet | Fixed | Fleet |
Visions in Time | Rare | Conflict |
Wade | Rare | Character |
War of Information | Common | Event |
Wastelands | Fixed | Enhancement |
We Are Both Damned | Uncommon | Aftermath |
We Think Alike | Uncommon | Conflict |
William Edgars | Rare | Character |
Zathras | Rare | Character |
Zathras | Autograph | Character |