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Game/Set: Star Trek CCG 2nd Edition








2002 - 2007



Cards Total:


This listing includes only the single physical promo cards for Star Trek CCG 2nd Edition that were published by Decipher for special events (tournaments, retail, and other promotions).

Other promo cards were released by Decipher as expansion sets for which separate listings exist. These sets are listed below the table.

Promos for special events[]

Below are the single physical promo cards published by Decipher for special events.

Type Breakdown[]

  • 10 Dilemma
  • 12 Event
  • 11 Mission
  • 31 Personnel (1 Bajoran, 3 Borg, 3 Cardassian, 8 Federation, 2 Ferengi, 6 Klingon, 5 Non-Aligned, 2 Romulan and 1 Starfleet)
  • 1 Ship (Federation)

Rarity Breakdown[]

Card List[]

0 D 1 Harsh Conditions Dilemma - 2006 Regional Participation Foil
DGMA Premier Series Qualifier
0 D 2 Timescape Dilemma - Tournament Prize
0 D 3 Rule of Acquisition #144 Event - Tournament Prize
0 D 4 Tasha Yar - Tactical Officer Personnel Federation Tournament Prize
0 D 5 Kahless - The Greatest Warrior of Them All Personnel Klingon Tournament Prize
0 D 6 Michael Eddington - Loyal Leader Personnel Federation Tournament Prize
0 D 7 Palor Toff - Trader Personnel Non-Aligned Tournament Prize
0 D 8 Collapse Anti-Time Anomaly Mission - STCCG League Prize Card
0 D 9 Explore Black Cluster Mission - STCCG League Prize Card
0 D 10 Feldomite Rush Mission - STCCG League Prize Card
0 D 11 Investigate Maquis Acitivity Mission - STCCG League Prize Card
0 D 12 Investigate Massacre Mission - STCCG League Prize Card
0 D 13 Kressari Rendezvous Mission - STCCG League Prize Card
0 D 14 Data - Aspirer Personnel Federation DGMA Continental Championship 2005
0 D 15 James T. Kirk - Living Legend Personnel Federation DGMA Territorial Open Championship 2005
0 D 16 Brunt - FCA Liquidator Personnel Ferengi Strange New Worlds Release Card
0 D 17 Charles Tucker III - "Trip" Personnel Starfleet To Boldly Go Release Card
0 D 18 U.S.S. Enterprise-D - Personal Flagship Ship Federation DGMA World Championship 2005
0 D 19 Agonizing Encounter Dilemma - DGMA Premier Series
0 D 19 Agonizing Encounter (Essen) Dilemma - DGMA Premier Series - Essen, Germany
0 D 20 Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? Dilemma - DGMA World Championship 2006
0 D 21 Tragic Turn Dilemma - DGMA World Championship 2007
0 D 21 Tragic Turn Dilemma - The Continuing Committee's 2008 Regionals Winner
0 D 22 Getting Under Your Skin Event - DGMA World Championship 2007
0 D 23 Arridor - "Great Sage" Personnel Ferengi DGMA World Championship 2007 / Chairman's Challenge III Top Prize
0 D 24 Nel Apgar - Temperamental Researcher Personnel Non-Aligned World Championship 2007
0 D 25 Serova - Warp Field Theorist Personnel Non-Aligned World Championship 2007
0 D 26 Togaran Personnel Non-Aligned World Championship 2007
0 P 1 Ro Laren - Maquis Sympathizer Personnel Bajoran Energize Pre-release Tournaments May 2003
0 P 2 Elim Garak - Plain, Simple Tailor Personnel Cardassian Retail Incentive July-August 2003
0 P 3 Dukat - Liberator and Protector Personnel Cardassian Call to Arms Release September 2003
0 P 4 Jean-Luc Picard - Starship Captain Personnel Federation DGMA Territorial Open Championship 2004

Rittenhouse Archives' Quotable TNG Trading Cards Insert April 2005

0 P 5 Sela - Devious Schemer Personnel Romulan Necessary Evil Release Spring 2004

Rittenhouse Archives' Quotable TNG Trading Cards Insert April 2005

0 P 24 Worf - First Officer Personnel Federation Summer Convention Card 2004
0 P 24 In the Pah-wraith's Wake Event - Rewards Store Card
Decipher Convention Card 2007
0 P 25 Deanna Troi - Major Rakal Personnel Romulan Reflections 2.0 Release (Fall 2004)
0 P 25 Party Atmosphere Event - 2006 Territorial Open Championships Card / Rewards Store Card
0 P 26 Leonard H. McCoy - Remarkable Man Personnel Federation Strange New Worlds Pre-Order Sales Incentive (May 2005)
0 P 27 Borg Queen - Bringer of Order Personnel Borg DGMA Origins Premier Series
Decipher Convention 2005
0 P 28 Benjamin Sisko - Man of Resolve Personnel Federation Decipher Convention Card 2005
0 P 29 Arik Soong - Father of Many Personnel Non-Aligned Sales Incentive (Fall 2005)
0 P 30 Quark - Son of Keldar Personnel Klingon To Boldly Go Pre-Order (August 2006)
0 P 31 Seven of Nine - Representative of the Hive Personnel Borg DecipherCon 2005
0 P 32 In the Pah-wraith's Wake Event - Rewards Store Card
0 P 32 The Edge of Forever Event - Captain's Log Pre-Order (October 2006)
0 P 33 Party Atmosphere Event - 2006 Territorial Open Championships Card
0 P 33 Unexpected Difficulties Event - Decipher Shop Exclusive - February 2007
0 P 34 Skeleton Crew Dilemma - 2007 Territorial Open Championship
0 P 35 Abduction Event - 2007 Tournament Prize Support
0 P 36 Desperate Sacrifice Event - 2007 Tournament Prize Support
0 P 37 Mission Accomplished Event - 2007 Tournament Prize Support
0 P 38 Morik Personnel Non-Aligned 2007 Tournament Prize Support
0 P 39 Worf - The Strongest Heart Personnel Klingon Decipher Store (Summer 2006)
0 P 40 Jadzia Dax - The Second Heart Personnel Klingon Decipher Store (Summer 2006)
0 P 72 Dukat - Military Advisor Personnel Cardassian Tournament Director Exclusive
0 P 73 Jean-Luc Picard - Explorer Personnel Federation dAgent Foil Exclusive (Summer 2007)
0 P 74 Gowron - Leader of the High Council Personnel Klingon World Championships
0 P 75 Amnesty Talks Mission - World Championships
0 P 76 Fissure Research Mission - World Championships
0 P 77 Investigate Alien Probe Mission - World Championships
0 P 78 Protect the Escapees Mission - World Championships
0 P 79 Caretaker's Array Mission - Decipher Store
0 P 80 Destiny Reset Event - World Championships
0 P 81 No Kill I Dilemma - dAgent Exclusive (Summer 2007)
0 P 83 Chula: The Dice Dilemma - dAgent Foil Exclusive 2007

NOTE 1: Even though included in the listing, card 0 P 25 Party Atmosphere was never physically released. Only photos of this card exist. The card was eventually released with card number 0 P 33.

NOTE 2: Card 12 R 50 Parek - Privileged Legate was released as a promo foil card for The Continuing Committee's 2008 Regionals. This card is not included in the above table and appears only in the These Are The Voyages expansion set listing.

Errata Cards[]

The following cards have had corrections made by The Continuing Committee (see Physical Errata Cards).

  • 0 D 12 - Investigate Massacre (renamed: Tarod IX: Investigate Massacre)
  • 0 D 20 - Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
  • 0 P 25 - Deanna Troi, Major Rakal
  • 0 P 33 - Unexpected Difficulties
  • 0 P 75 - Amnesty Talks (renamed: Hromi Cluster - Amnesty Talks)
  • 0 P 76 - Fissure Research (renamed: Forcas Sector - Fissure Research)
  • 0 P 77 - Investigate Alien Probe (renamed: Parvenium System: Investigate Alien Probe)

These errata cards are Virtual cards and not physical cards.

Promos from other expansions[]

Listed below are promo cards that were released as Star Trek CCG 2E expansions for which separate listings exist.

Tenth Anniversary Collection: Tenth Anniversary Collection 0P6-0P23 (first print with "X" logo) & Tenth Anniversary Collection 0P54-0P71 (reprint without "X" logo)

Headquarters Missions: 0P41-0P53 (available through the Decipher Store) & 0P82 (World Championships 2007/The Continuing Committee's 2007 Regionals Card)

There are promos from other Star Trek CCG 2E expansions Fractured Time, Reflections 2.0 and Genesis (first print and reprint) for which separate listings exist.

External Links[]
