Premiere Unlimited | |
Booster | |
About | |
Game/Set: | Star Wars CCG |
Expansion: |
Premiere Unlimited |
Publisher: |
Country: |
Language: |
English |
Cards Total: |
324 |
Premiere Unlimited is the base set of Star Wars CCG. It is published by Decipher 1995 and consists of 324 cards
This set is sold in 60-card starters and 15-card boosters. There are 36 boosters in one booster box.
Light Side Card List[]
Type Breakdown[]
- 33 Characters
- 8 Devices
- 28 Effects
- 51 Interrupts
- 19 Locations
- 8 Starships
- 4 Vehicles
- 11 Weapons
Rarity Breakdown[]
2X-3KPR (Tooex) | Uncommon-1 | Character |
Beru Lars | Uncommon-2 | Character |
Biggs Darklighter | Rare-2 | Character |
BoShek | Uncommon | Character |
C-3PO (See-Threepio) | Rare-1 | Character |
CZ-3 (Seezee-Three) | Common-1 | Character |
Dice Ibegon | Rare-2 | Character |
Dutch | Rare-1 | Character |
Figrin D'an | Uncommon-2 | Character |
General Dodonna | Uncommon-1 | Character |
Han Solo | Rare-1 | Character |
Jawa | Common-2 | Character |
Jek Porkins | Uncommon-1 | Character |
Kabe | Uncommon-1 | Character |
Kal'Falnl C'ndros | Rare-1 | Character |
Leesub Sirln | Rare-2 | Character |
Leia Organa | Rare-1 | Character |
LIN-V8K (Elleyein-Veeatekay) | Common-1 | Character |
Luke Skywalker | Rare-1 | Character |
Momaw Nadon | Uncommon-2 | Character |
Obi-Wan Kenobi | Rare-1 | Character |
Owen Lars | Uncommon-1 | Character |
Pops | Uncommon-1 | Character |
R2-X2 (Artoo-Extoo) | Common-2 | Character |
R4-E1 (Arfour-Eeone) | Common-2 | Character |
Rebel Guard | Common-2 | Character |
Rebel Pilot | Common-2 | Character |
Rebel Trooper | Common-3 | Character |
Red Leader | Rare-1 | Character |
Shistavanen Wolfman | Common-2 | Character |
Talz | Common-2 | Character |
WED-9-M1 'Bantha' Droid | Rare-2 | Character |
Wioslea | Uncommon-1 | Character |
Caller | Uncommon-2 | Device |
Electrobinoculars | Common-2 | Device |
Fusion Generator Supply Tanks | Common-2 | Device |
Hydroponics Station | Uncommon-2 | Device |
Restraining Bolt | Common-2 | Device |
Targeting Computer | Uncommon-1 | Device |
Tatooine Utility Belt | Common-2 | Device |
Vaporator | Common-2 | Device |
A Tremor In The Force | Uncommon-1 | Effect |
Affect Mind | Rare-1 | Effect |
Beggar | Rare-1 | Effect |
Crash Site Memorial | Uncommon-1 | Effect |
Death Star Plans | Rare-1 | Effect |
Demotion | Rare-2 | Effect |
Disarmed | Rare-1 | Effect |
Ellorrs Madak | Common-2 | Effect |
Eyes In The Dark | Uncommon-1 | Effect |
Jawa Siesta | Uncommon-1 | Effect |
Kessel Run | Rare-2 | Effect |
K'lor'slug | Rare-1 | Effect |
Lightsaber Proficiency | Rare-1 | Effect |
Mantellian Savrip | Rare-2 | Effect |
Nightfall | Uncommon-1 | Effect |
Obi-Wan's Cape | Rare-1 | Effect |
Our Most Desperate Hour | Rare-1 | Effect |
Plastoid Armor | Uncommon-2 | Effect |
Rebel Planners | Rare-2 | Effect |
Restricted Deployment | Uncommon-1 | Effect |
Revolution | Rare-1 | Effect |
Rycar Ryjerd | Uncommon-1 | Effect |
Sai'torr Kal Fas | Common-2 | Effect |
Special Modifications | Uncommon-1 | Effect |
Traffic Control | Uncommon-2 | Effect |
Tusken Breath Mask | Uncommon-1 | Effect |
Yavin Sentry | Uncommon-2 | Effect |
Yerka Mig | Uncommon-1 | Effect |
A Few Maneuvers | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Alter | Uncommon-1 | Interrupt |
Beru Stew | Uncommon-2 | Interrupt |
Cantina Brawl | Rare-1 | Interrupt |
Collision! | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Combined Attack | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Don't Get Cocky | Rare-1 | Interrupt |
Don't Underestimate Our Chances | Common-1 | Interrupt |
Droid Shutdown | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Escape Pod | Uncommon-2 | Interrupt |
Friendly Fire | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Full Throttle | Rare-2 | Interrupt |
Gift Of The Mentor | Rare-1 | Interrupt |
Han's Back | Uncommon-2 | Interrupt |
Han's Dice | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Hear Me Baby, Hold Together | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi | Rare-1 | Interrupt |
How Did We Get Into This Mess? | Uncommon-2 | Interrupt |
Hyper Escape | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Into The Garbage Chute, Flyboy | Rare-2 | Interrupt |
It Could Be Worse | Common-2 | Interrupt |
I've Got A Bad Feeling About This | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Jedi Presence | Rare-1 | Interrupt |
Krayt Dragon Howl | Rare-1 | Interrupt |
Leia's Back | Uncommon-2 | Interrupt |
Luke's Back | Uncommon-2 | Interrupt |
Move Along... | Rare-1 | Interrupt |
Nabrun Leids | Uncommon-2 | Interrupt |
Narrow Escape | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Noble Sacrifice | Rare-2 | Interrupt |
Old Ben | Common-2 | Interrupt |
On The Edge | Rare-2 | Interrupt |
Out Of Nowhere | Uncommon-2 | Interrupt |
Panic | Uncommon-1 | Interrupt |
Radar Scanner | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Rebel Barrier | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Rebel Reinforcements | Common-1 | Interrupt |
Return Of A Jedi | Uncommon-2 | Interrupt |
Scomp Link Access | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Sense | Uncommon-1 | Interrupt |
Skywalkers | Rare-1 | Interrupt |
Solo Han | Rare-2 | Interrupt |
Spaceport Speeders | Uncommon-2 | Interrupt |
Surprise Assault | Common-1 | Interrupt |
Thank The Maker | Rare-2 | Interrupt |
The Bith Shuffle | Common-2 | Interrupt |
The Force Is Strong With This One | Rare-2 | Interrupt |
This Is All Your Fault | Uncommon-1 | Interrupt |
Utinni! | Rare-1 | Interrupt |
Warrior's Courage | Rare-2 | Interrupt |
We're Doomed | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Alderaan | Uncommon-2 | Location |
Dantooine | Uncommon-1 | Location |
Death Star: Detention Block Control Room | Uncommon-2 | Location |
Death Star: Docking Bay 327 | Common-2 | Location |
Death Star: Trash Compactor | Uncommon-1 | Location |
Kessel | Uncommon-2 | Location |
Tatooine | Common-2 | Location |
Tatooine: Cantina | Rare-2 | Location |
Tatooine: Docking Bay 94 | Common-2 | Location |
Tatooine: Dune Sea | Common-1 | Location |
Tatooine: Jawa Camp | Common-1 | Location |
Tatooine: Lars' Moisture Farm | Common-1 | Location |
Tatooine: Mos Eisley | Uncommon-2 | Location |
Tatooine: Obi-Wan's Hut | Rare-1 | Location |
Yavin 4 | Common-2 | Location |
Yavin 4: Docking Bay | Common-1 | Location |
Yavin 4: Jungle | Common-2 | Location |
Yavin 4: Massassi Throne Room | Rare-1 | Location |
Yavin 4: Massassi War Room | Uncommon-2 | Location |
Corellian Corvette | Uncommon-2 | Starship |
Gold 1 | Rare-2 | Starship |
Gold 5 | Rare-2 | Starship |
Millennium Falcon | Rare-1 | Starship |
Red 1 | Uncommon-1 | Starship |
Red 3 | Rare-2 | Starship |
X-wing | Common-2 | Starship |
Y-wing | Common-2 | Starship |
Lift Tube | Common-2 | Vehicle |
Luke's X-34 Landspeeder | Uncommon-2 | Vehicle |
Sandcrawler | Rare-2 | Vehicle |
SoroSuub V-35 Landspeeder | Common-2 | Vehicle |
Blaster | Common-2 | Weapon |
Blaster Rifle | Common-1 | Weapon |
Han's Heavy Blaster Pistol | Rare-2 | Weapon |
Jedi Lightsaber | Uncommon-1 | Weapon |
Leia's Sporting Blaster | Uncommon-1 | Weapon |
Obi-Wan's Lightsaber | Rare-1 | Weapon |
Proton Torpedoes | Common-2 | Weapon |
Quad Laser Cannon | Uncommon-1 | Weapon |
Tagge Seeker | Rare-2 | Weapon |
Tarkin Seeker | Rare-2 | Weapon |
Timer Mine | Common-2 | Weapon |
Dark Side Card List[]
Type Breakdown[]
- 36 Characters
- 9 Devices
- 26 Effects
- 47 Interrupts
- 18 Locations
- 8 Starships
- 14 Weapons
- 54 Effects
Rarity Breakdown[]
5D6-RA7 (Fivedeesix) | Rare-1 | Character |
Admiral Motti | Rare-2 | Character |
Chief Bast | Uncommon-1 | Character |
Colonel Wulff Yularen | Uncommon-1 | Character |
Commander Praji | Uncommon-2 | Character |
Darth Vader | Rare-1 | Character |
Dathcha | Uncommon-1 | Character |
Death Star Trooper | Common-2 | Character |
Djas Puhr | Rare-2 | Character |
Dr. Evazan | Rare-2 | Character |
DS-61-2 | Uncommon-1 | Character |
DS-61-3 | Rare-1 | Character |
EG-6 (Eegee-Six) | Uncommon-2 | Character |
Feltipern Trevagg | Uncommon-1 | Character |
Garindan | Rare-2 | Character |
General Tagge | Rare-2 | Character |
Grand Moff Tarkin | Rare-1 | Character |
Imperial Pilot | Common-2 | Character |
Imperial Trooper Guard | Common-2 | Character |
Jawa | Common-2 | Character |
Kitik Keed'kak | Rare-1 | Character |
Labria | Rare-2 | Character |
Lieutenant Tanbris | Uncommon-2 | Character |
LIN-V8M (Elleyein-Veeateemm) | Common-1 | Character |
M'iiyoom Onith | Uncommon-2 | Character |
MSE-6 'Mouse' Droid | Uncommon-1 | Character |
Myo | Rare-2 | Character |
Ponda Baba | Uncommon-1 | Character |
Prophetess | Uncommon-1 | Character |
R1-G4 (Arone-Geefour) | Common-2 | Character |
R4-M9 (Arfour-Emmnine) | Common-2 | Character |
Stormtrooper | Common-3 | Character |
Tonnika Sisters | Rare-1 | Character |
Tusken Raider | Common-2 | Character |
WED15-I662 'Treadwell' Droid | Rare-2 | Character |
Wuher | Uncommon-2 | Character |
Blaster Scope | Uncommon-1 | Device |
Caller | Uncommon-2 | Device |
Comlink | Common-1 | Device |
Droid Detector | Common-2 | Device |
Fusion Generator Supply Tanks | Common-2 | Device |
Observation Holocam | Uncommon-2 | Device |
Restraining Bolt | Common-2 | Device |
Stormtrooper Backpack | Common-2 | Device |
Stormtrooper Utility Belt | Common-2 | Device |
A Disturbance In The Force | Uncommon-1 | Effect |
Baniss Keeg | Common-2 | Effect |
Blast Door Controls | Uncommon-2 | Effect |
Blaster Rack | Uncommon-1 | Effect |
Dark Hours | Uncommon-2 | Effect |
Death Star Sentry | Uncommon-1 | Effect |
Disarmed | Rare-1 | Effect |
Expand The Empire | Rare-1 | Effect |
Fear Will Keep Them In Line | Rare-2 | Effect |
I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing | Rare-1 | Effect |
I've Lost Artoo! | Uncommon-1 | Effect |
Jawa Pack | Uncommon-1 | Effect |
Juri Juice | Rare-2 | Effect |
Ket Maliss | Common-2 | Effect |
Lateral Damage | Rare-2 | Effect |
Luke? Luuuuke! | Uncommon-1 | Effect |
Macroscan | Common-2 | Effect |
Molator | Rare-1 | Effect |
Organa's Ceremonial Necklace | Rare-1 | Effect |
Presence Of The Force | Rare-1 | Effect |
Reactor Terminal | Uncommon-2 | Effect |
Send A Detachment Down | Rare-1 | Effect |
Sunsdown | Uncommon-1 | Effect |
Tactical Re-Call | Rare-2 | Effect |
Wrong Turn | Uncommon-1 | Effect |
Your Eyes Can Deceive You | Uncommon-1 | Effect |
Alter | Uncommon-1 | Interrupt |
Boring Conversation Anyway | Rare-1 | Interrupt |
Charming To The Last | Rare-2 | Interrupt |
Collateral Damage | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Counter Assault | Common-1 | Interrupt |
Dark Collaboration | Rare-1 | Interrupt |
Dark Jedi Presence | Rare-1 | Interrupt |
Dark Maneuvers | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Dead Jawa | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Elis Helrot | Uncommon-2 | Interrupt |
Emergency Deployment | Uncommon-1 | Interrupt |
Evacuate? | Uncommon-2 | Interrupt |
Full Scale Alert | Uncommon-2 | Interrupt |
Gravel Storm | Uncommon-2 | Interrupt |
I Have You Now | Rare-2 | Interrupt |
Imperial Barrier | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Imperial Code Cylinder | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Imperial Reinforcements | Common-1 | Interrupt |
It's Worse | Common-2 | Interrupt |
I've Got A Problem Here | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Kintan Strider | Common-1 | Interrupt |
Limited Resources | Uncommon-2 | Interrupt |
Local Trouble | Rare-1 | Interrupt |
Lone Pilot | Rare-2 | Interrupt |
Lone Warrior | Rare-2 | Interrupt |
Look Sir, Droids | Rare-1 | Interrupt |
Moment Of Triumph | Rare-2 | Interrupt |
Nevar Yalnal | Rare-2 | Interrupt |
Ommni Box | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Overload | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Physical Choke | Rare-1 | Interrupt |
Precise Attack | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Scanning Crew | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Sense | Uncommon-1 | Interrupt |
Set For Stun | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Takeel | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Tallon Roll | Common-2 | Interrupt |
The Circle Is Now Complete | Rare-1 | Interrupt |
The Empire's Back | Uncommon-1 | Interrupt |
Trinto Duaba | Uncommon-1 | Interrupt |
Trooper Charge | Uncommon-2 | Interrupt |
Tusken Scavengers | Common-2 | Interrupt |
Utinni! | Rare-1 | Interrupt |
Vader's Eye | Rare-1 | Interrupt |
We're All Gonna Be A Lot Thinner! | Rare-1 | Interrupt |
You Overestimate Their Chances | Common-1 | Interrupt |
Your Powers Are Weak, Old Man | Rare-1 | Interrupt |
Alderaan | Rare-1 | Location |
Dantooine | Uncommon-1 | Location |
Death Star: Central Core | Uncommon-2 | Location |
Death Star: Detention Block Corridor | Common-1 | Location |
Death Star: Docking Bay 327 | Common-2 | Location |
Death Star: Level 4 Military Corridor | Uncommon-1 | Location |
Death Star: War Room | Uncommon-2 | Location |
Kessel | Uncommon-2 | Location |
Tatooine | Common-2 | Location |
Tatooine: Cantina | Rare-2 | Location |
Tatooine: Docking Bay 94 | Common-2 | Location |
Tatooine: Jawa Camp | Common-1 | Location |
Tatooine: Jundland Wastes | Common-1 | Location |
Tatooine: Lars' Moisture Farm | Uncommon-2 | Location |
Tatooine: Mos Eisley | Common-1 | Location |
Yavin 4 | Common-2 | Location |
Yavin 4: Docking Bay | Common-2 | Location |
Yavin 4: Jungle | Uncommon-2 | Location |
Black 2 | Rare-1 | Starship |
Black 3 | Uncommon-1 | Starship |
Devastator | Rare-1 | Starship |
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer | Uncommon-1 | Starship |
TIE Advanced x1 | Uncommon-2 | Starship |
TIE Fighter | Common-2 | Starship |
TIE Scout | Common-2 | Starship |
Vader's Custom TIE | Rare-1 | Starship |
Bantha | Uncommon-2 | Vehicle |
Lift Tube | Common-2 | Vehicle |
Sandcrawler | Rare-2 | Vehicle |
Ubrikkian 9000 Z001 | Common-2 | Vehicle |
Assault Rifle | Rare-2 | Weapon |
Blaster Rifle | Common-2 | Weapon |
Boosted TIE Cannon | Uncommon-1 | Weapon |
Dark Jedi Lightsaber | Uncommon-1 | Weapon |
Gaderffii Stick | Common-2 | Weapon |
Han Seeker | Rare-2 | Weapon |
Imperial Blaster | Common-2 | Weapon |
Ion Cannon | Uncommon-1 | Weapon |
Laser Projector | Uncommon-2 | Weapon |
Light Repeating Blaster Rifle | Rare-1 | Weapon |
Luke Seeker | Rare-2 | Weapon |
Timer Mine | Common-2 | Weapon |
Turbolaser Battery | Rare-2 | Weapon |
Vader's Lightsaber | Rare-1 | Weapon |