CardGuide Wiki

Welcome to the Card Guide Wiki!

The Cardguide Wiki is an free, public, informative and collaborative encyclopedia about playing cards, card games and trading cards from all over the world. This site is for players, collectors, researchers and fans alike.

We strive to list every card ever made in this database, with an image and text of it. We are devoted for providing the most accurate information, if you see an inaccuracy, or have cards that are not listed here, feel free to add the correct info or report it to an to founder Vuurvosje. We also list variants, autographs, misprints, proofprints, filler cards and counterfeit cards. We need your help to complete this database!

Card Game Types Search

Click on an image to list all the currently available decks and games in a game type.

General Search

Click on an image to search for card backs with a specific color, picture, pattern, or shape.

Random Character Card
Blackhatchling DB

This wiki is a non-commercial site. We are not affiliated with any stores or publishers.

All images (cards, cut-ups, icons, screenshots and also in text) are copyrighted by their respective owners. This includes movie companies, actors, illustrators, models, designers and of course publishers and printers. We are not endorsed by any of them in any way.
