Crusade is the eight and final expansion set of the Babylon 5 CCG. It is published by Precedence Publishing in 2000 and consists of 168 cards.
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Type Breakdown[]
- 17 Aftermaths
- 1 Agenda
- 51 Characters
- 25 Conflicts
- 9 Contingencies
- 25 Enhancements
- 29 Events
- 9 Fleets
- 2 Groups
Rarity Breakdown[]
- 50 Commons
- 50 Uncommons
- 41 Rares
- 18 Rare-1s
- 4 Promo
- 4 Autographs
- 1 Box Topper
Card Lists[]
"Mr. Jones" | Common | Character |
A Call For Help | Rare | Event |
A Crusade... | Common | Enhancement |
A Crusade... | Common | Enhancement |
A Crusade... | Common | Enhancement |
A Crusade... | Common | Enhancement |
A Dying People (sic) | Common | Event |
A Good Lead | Common | Aftermath |
A Warning | Rare | Event |
Above It All | Rare | Event |
Accommodations | Common | Event |
Age of Conquest | Rare | Contingency |
Agents Durkani & Lyssa | Rare | Character |
Ain't I a Stinker? | Rare-1 | Event |
Alien Takeover | Uncommon | Conflict |
All In the Cards | Rare | Event |
Alliance Superfleet | Rare | Fleet |
Alwyn | Uncommon | Character |
Ancient Data Crystal | Rare | Aftermath |
Andre Sabbat | Uncommon | Character |
Apocalypse Box | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Apriori Flentak & Nix | Rare | Character |
Archaeologist D. Taylor | Uncommon | Character |
Arsenal of Yesterdays | Common | Enhancement |
Automated Fleet | Uncommon | Fleet |
Bio-Adaptive Shielding | Common | Enhancement |
Blaylock | Rare | Character |
Bruder | Uncommon | Character |
Captain Daniels | Uncommon | Character |
Captain Lochley | Rare-1 | Character |
Captain Lochley | Rare-1 | Character |
Collaboration | Rare | Conflict |
Collar Gun | Uncommon | Aftermath |
Corporations Go On | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Death Incarnate | Common | Enhancement |
Death of a Planet | Rare | Conflict |
Death of Culture | Uncommon | Aftermath |
Detailed Data Analysis | Common | Conflict |
Dire Consequences | Rare | Contingency |
Dr. Sarah Chambers | Rare-1 | Character |
Dr. Sarah Chambers | Autograph | Character |
Dr. Sarah Chambers | Rare-1 | Character |
Duel to the Death | Common | Event |
Dureena Nafeel | Rare-1 | Character |
Dureena Nafeel | Autograph | Character |
Dureena Nafeel | Rare-1 | Character |
Electron Incarnation | Uncommon | Aftermath |
Elizabeth Trent | Rare | Character |
EVA Salvaging | Uncommon | Aftermath |
Everything Has a Price | Rare | Event |
Excalibur | Rare | Fleet |
Exodus | Rare | Fleet |
Explore Vorlon Space | Rare | Conflict |
Faces in Stone | Uncommon | Event |
Far Reaching Schemes | Rare | Conflict |
Final Destiny | Uncommon | Conflict |
Fireball | Common | Event |
First Contact Protocols | Uncommon | Conflict |
Forced Down | Rare | Conflict |
Galen | Rare-1 | Character |
Galen | Autograph | Character |
Galen | Rare-1 | Character |
Galen's Crystal Ball | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Galen's Magic Rock | Rare | Aftermath |
Galen's Ship | Rare | Fleet |
Galen's Staff | Common | Enhancement |
General Ivanova | Rare | Character |
Genius Loci | Rare | Character |
Ghost Ship | Common | Conflict |
Goods and Services | Common | Event |
High-Tech Weapons | Common | Conflict |
Holo-Demons | Rare | Event |
Holo-Dragon | Rare | Event |
Homunculus | Common | Contingency |
How to Succeed in Business | Rare | Event |
Hyperspace Gateway | Common | Contingency |
Illegal Raid | Uncommon | Conflict |
Invisibility | Uncommon | Enhancement |
IPX Official | Common | Character |
Isabelle | Rare | Character |
Isabelle's Quest | Rare | Aftermath |
Jacob Redway | Uncommon | Character |
John Matheson | Rare-1 | Character |
John Matheson | Rare-1 | Character |
Junk Food | Box Topper | Event |
Kevin Sprach | Uncommon | Character |
Kulan | Uncommon | Character |
Lemm Uh'Ekim | Common | Character |
Leonard Anderson | Uncommon | Character |
Lieutenant Carr | Uncommon | Character |
Lieutenant Tewart | Common | Character |
Lisa Hampton Edgars Garibaldi | Rare | Character |
Lorkans | Common | Character |
M. Garibaldi, CEO | Rare | Character |
Main Gun | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Marata Fleet | Common | Fleet |
Mars Conference | Rare-1 | Conflict |
Matthew Gideon | Rare-1 | Character |
Matthew Gideon | Rare-1 | Character |
Max Eilerson | Rare-1 | Character |
Max Eilerson | Autograph | Character |
Max Eilerson | Rare-1 | Character |
Meddling With the Unknown | Common | Contingency |
Monopoly | Uncommon | Conflict |
Nanotech Plague | Uncommon | Conflict |
Natchok Var | Uncommon | Character |
Navigator Robertson | Common | Character |
New Team | Common | Aftermath |
New Uniforms | Common | Aftermath |
Not Dead Yet | Rare | Event |
Nova Dreadnoughts | Rare | Fleet |
Nowhere to Hide | Rare | Enhancement |
Null Field | Common | Event |
Onslaught | Uncommon | Agenda |
Opportunity Knocks | Common | Aftermath |
Organelle Transfer | Common | Enhancement |
Out of My Sky | Common | Conflict |
Personal Crusade | Common | Enhancement |
Pieces of the Puzzle | Common | Aftermath |
Portrait of the Past | Common | Event |
Pro Zeta Corporation | Uncommon | Group |
Probes | Common | Conflict |
Protected | Common | Contingency |
Psychic Projection | Common | Event |
Quarantine | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Quick to Anger | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Record Returns | Uncommon | Conflict |
Red Tape | Uncommon | Aftermath |
Refuge | Common | Aftermath |
Reign of Terror | Common | Conflict |
Relaxation | Rare | Event |
Repeating Lasers | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Retributive Strike | Rare | Event |
Robert Connor | Common | Character |
Samuel Drake | Uncommon | Character |
Serendipity | Common | Conflict |
Shady Dealings | Common | Contingency |
Sogayu | Uncommon | Character |
Solo Flight | Promo | Event |
Something Always Happens | Uncommon | Contingency |
Special Agent Kendarr | Rare-1 | Character |
Surprising Allies | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Survivor's Guilt | Uncommon | Aftermath |
Tactical Nuke | Common | Event |
Techno-Virus | Rare | Aftermath |
The Circle is Joined | Rare | Event |
The Fen | Common | Event |
The Tech | Uncommon | Enhancement |
The Third Age | Promo | Event |
The Truth Is Out... | Common | Enhancement |
Thieves' Guild | Uncommon | Group |
Tip-Top Shape | Promo | Aftermath |
Tomorrow's Children | Rare | Conflict |
Trace Miller | Uncommon | Character |
Trial By Fire | Uncommon | Conflict |
Trulann | Uncommon | Character |
Ulterior Motives | Common | Conflict |
Undercover Investigation | Common | Conflict |
Victory | Rare | Fleet |
Warlock Destroyers | Uncommon | Fleet |
Well of Forever | Uncommon | Conflict |
We'll Take Over | Uncommon | Enhancement |
Who's Your Little Pak'ma'ra? | Rare-1 | Enhancement |
Working Together | Uncommon | Event |
Yabc Ftoba | Rare | Character |
Yellow Journalism | Uncommon | Enhancement |
You Are Expendable | Common | Event |
Zog! | Promo | Contingency |