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Six of Ten - Korok (UN) -
Wixiban - Old Friend (ATtS) -
Quintessence (RF2) -
Seven of Nine - Part of the Greater Whole (CtA) -
Doctor Chaotica - Ruler of the Cosmos (CTK) -
Three of Nine - Tactician Drone (Errata) -
Kar'meth (LD) -
Mitchell (LD)
All items (683)
- A Q Scorned (TSoP)
- A Royal Welcome (TSoP)
- Adapted to Service Us (RF2)
- Adding to Our Perfection (CtA)
- Adelaar System - Battle Reconnaissance (Errata) (CtA)
- Aggressive Behavior (2E)
- Aid Maritime Sovereignty (FtB)
- Akritirian Detention Facility - Prison Break (CTK)
- Akusel Belt - Hunt Alien (Errata) (CtA)
- Alex Porter - Campaign Veteran (CTK)
- Allocation Drone (CtA)
- Alsuran Sector - Utilize Abandoned Relay Station (LD)
- Analyze (CtA)
- Analyze (Errata)
- And Raise You (CL)
- Andreas Colter (CL)
- Angelo Tassoni (ALL)
- Annexation Drone (RF2)
- Annorax - Temporal Architect (TUC)
- Antarian Sector - Host Trans-stellar Rally (ClCiv)
- Anthony Braxton - Forward-thinking Recruiter (MoT)
- Appraisal Drone (CtA)
- Arridor - "Great Sage" (P)
- Arridor - "Great Sage" (SNW)
- Artistic License (BoT)
- Assault on Species 8472 (CtA)
- Assimilate Starship (TItW)
- Assimilation Techniques (TBG)
- Astrometrics Lab (2E)
- Avery III - Develop Cure (Phage)
- Axiana - Secure Colony (SM)
- Ayala - Patriot (20A)
- B'Elanna Torres - Chief Engineer (TATV)
- B'Elanna Torres - Creative Engineer (CtA)
- B'Elanna Torres - Mostly Assimilated (UN)
- B'Elanna Torres - Mother of the Kuvah'magh (MoT)
- B'Elanna Torres - Straightforward Engineer (CL)
- B'Elanna Torres - Straightforward Engineer (VP TCC)
- B'Elanna Torres - Straightforward Engineer (VP)
- B'omar Sovereignty - Traverse Restricted Space (US)
- B'omar Stipulations (NE)
- Bahrat's Space Station - Negotiate for Supplies (CTK)
- Barge of the Dead (MEN)
- Barzan Wormhole - Preliminary Incursion (Phage)
- Battle Reconnaissance (CtA)
- Baxial - Salvage Ship (CL)
- Baxter - Wandering Security Officer (CL)
- Becalmed (ATtS)
- Bennet (CL)
- Best Interests at Heart (FtB)
- Bevvox - Ancient Intellect (TOD)
- Bigger Tattoo (IAMD)
- Bio-ship Attack (CTK)
- Blind Spot (2E)
- Blue Match (LD)
- Borg Cube (BP)
- Borg Cube (CtA)
- Borg Nanoprobes (INH)
- Borg Queen - Bringer of Order (CtA)
- Borg Queen - Bringer of Order (P)
- Borg Queen - Guardian of the Hive (CtA)
- Borg Queen - Guardian of the Hive (RF2)
- Borg Queen - Obsessed (WYLB)
- Borg Queen's Vessel - Borg Flagship (Archive)
- Borg Queen's Vessel - Borg Flagship (WYLB)
- Borg Sphere (CtA)
- Breached (TItW)
- Brian Sofin (RtG)
- Bridon (Phage)
- Briori Sector - Investigate Corrosion (LD)
- Calibration Drone (CtA)
- Caretaker's Array (CL)
- Caretaker's Array (MAH)
- Caretaker's Array (P)
- Caretaker's Wave (WYLB)
- Carlson (CTK)
- Cavit - Apprehensive First Officer (CL)
- Ch'Regha - Open-Minded (TSoP)
- Chakotay - Bridge Between Two Crews (CL)
- Chakotay - First Officer (TATV)
- Chakotay - Freedom Fighter (ENE)
- Chakotay - Steadfast Commander (LD)
- Chakotay - The Galaxy's Most Wanted (CTK)
- Charismatic Mimic (BoT)
- Chell - Incessant Chatterbox (WPAD)
- Christening (TItW)
- Clashing Values (Phage)
- Class 9 Nebula - Bypass Disputed Region (Phage)
- Cluttering Irrelevancies (Errata)
- Cluttering Irrelevancies (SNW)
- Cochrane - Voyager Shuttle (CL)
- Cold Calculations (LD)
- Collect Omicron Particles (CL)
- Combined Attack (BoT)
- Commandeer Prototype (WYLB)
- Commanding Presence (BoT)
- Computation Drone (CtA)
- Confessions of a Captain (CL)
- Connectivity Drone (HT)
- Contamination (2E)
- Crell Moset - Notorious Exobiologist (WYLB)
- Critical Care (IAMD)
- Crowd Control (ENE)
- Culling Raid (Phage)
- D'Kora Transport (LIN)
- Dala - Con Artist (US)
- Damaged Reputation (2E)
- Danara Pel - Ethical Hematologist (Phage)
- Danara Pel - Loving Life (Phage)
- Dar (HT)
- Debris Field (2E)
- Delanh (Phage)
- Deleted Subroutines (US)
- Delta Flyer - Innovative Vessel (Archive)
- Delta Flyer - Innovative Vessel (TATV)
- Delta Flyer - Rebuilt "Hot Rod" (TItW)
- Derelict Robot (Phage)
- Dereth - Determined Honatta (Phage)
- Dereth - Justifying the Means (Phage)
- Destroy Transwarp Hub (CtA)
- Dilanum (Phage)
- Disable Shields (SoA)
- Discard By-Product (LIN)
- DNA Security Scan (ENE)
- Doctor Chaotica - Ruler of the Cosmos (CTK)
- Doran (ID)
- Doran (IDR)
- Downfallen Civilization (Phage)
- Doyle (CTK)
- Dr. Crell Moset - Medical Consultant Program (CTK)
- Dr. Lewis Zimmerman - Diagnostic Program Alpha One One (CTK)
- Dragon's Teeth (ZH)
- Drake - Voyager Shuttle (CL)
- Drapanas - Outbreak Historian (Phage)
- Dreadnought (SC)
- Drenol (Phage)
- Dubious Decoy (BoT)
- E.M.H. Mark II - Newborn but Filled with Courage (CTK)
- Eight of Eleven - Laura (Errata) (UN)
- Eight of Eleven - Laura (UN)
- Eleven of Eighteen - Augmentation Drone (LD)
- Eleventh Gradient - Export Vessel (EM)
- Emanations (MoT)
- Emck - Export Controller (EM)
- Emergency Evacuation (FotE)
- Emergency Treatment (ENE)
- Engineering Kit (2E)
- Equinox Conspiracy (CTK)
- Equinox Doctor - Unethical Medical Hologram (ALL)
- Evaluation Drone (CtA)
- Event Horizon (EM)
- Explore Micro-Wormhole (CL)
- Face Off (Phage)
- Face to Face (ENE)
- Face to Face (RF2)
- Federation Compression Rifle (CL)
- Fennim - Incisive Physician (TOD)
- Feqma (LIN)
- Feykaab (LD)
- Field Studies (Errata) (NE)
- Field Studies (Errata) (RF2)
- Field Studies (NE)
- Field Studies (RF2)
- Fifth - Neonatal Drone (CL)
- Fifth - Neonatal Drone (Errata)
- Fifth - Neonatal Drone (VP TCC)
- Fifth - Neonatal Drone (VP)
- Finding Our Way (CL)
- Finding Our Way (Errata)
- Finding Our Way (Errata) (VP)
- Finding Our Way (VP)
- First - Unstable (Archive)
- First - Unstable (TBG)
- Five of Twelve - Axum (UN)
- Five of Twelve - Secondary Adjunct of Trimatrix 942 (NE)
- Flashpoint (ZH)
- For Better or For Worse (RtS)
- Forcing Their Way (ALL)
- Forcing Their Way (Errata) (ALL)
- Former Briori Colony - Investigate SOS (CTK)
- Four of Nine - Heuristics Drone (TATV)
- Four of Twelve - Standardization Drone (TATV)
- Fourth - Neonatal Drone (TBG)
- Garren (ID)
- Garren (IDR)
- Gegis - Exploitative Profiteer (INH)
- Geordi La Forge - Temporal Enforcer (CTK)
- Ghost Stories (Archive)
- Ghost Stories (Errata)
- Ghost Stories (WYLB)
- Good Shepherd (WYLB)
- Gravimetric Distortion (2E)
- Graviton Ellipse (2E)
- Grid 216 - Trade with Ba'Neth Outpost (Phage)
- Grid 296 - Holographic Training Facility (ATtS)
- Grid 296 - Holographic Training Facility (MAH)
- Grid 532 - Assimilate Species 10026 (LD)
- Guidance Drone (CtA)