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- Charvanek - Fleet Commander (AP)
- Charvanek - Fleet Commander (TATV)
- Charvanek - Neutral Zone Commander (Archive)
- Charvanek - Neutral Zone Commander (TATV)
- Charvanek - Patriotic Commander (SL)
- Cretak - Friendly Envoy (CM)
- Cretak - Supporter of the Alliance (2E)
- Cretak - Supporter of the Alliance (SSK)
- D'Ral - Mutinous Commander (TUC)
- Data - From the City of Rateg (VP)
- Deanna Troi - Major Rakal (Errata) (P)
- Deanna Troi - Major Rakal (Errata) (RF2)
- Deanna Troi - Major Rakal (P)
- Deanna Troi - Major Rakal (RF2)
- Donatra - Compassionate Patriot (2E)
- Donatra - Honorable Commander (EM)
- Donatra - Honorable Commander (Errata) (EM)
- Duras - Romulan Conspirator (HaD)
- Sela - Cunning Strategist (WYLB)
- Sela - Devious Schemer (NE)
- Sela - Mysterious Operative (2E)
- Sela - Supervising Operative (TItW)
- Shinzon - Capable Commander (2E)
- Shinzon - Capable Commander (2E) (Foil)
- Shinzon - Devious Tactician (ST50)
- Shinzon - Reman Leader (AP)
- Shinzon - Reman Leader (TBG)
- Shinzon - Romulan Praetor (2E)
- Sirol - Diplomatic Adversary (ENE)
- Spock - Celebrated Ambassador (Archive)
- Spock - Celebrated Ambassador (SNW)
- Suran - Ambitious Commander (2E)
- T'Auethn - Obedient Centurion (TATV)
- Taibak - Prodigious Conditioner (RtS)
- Tal - Alert Subcommander (Errata)
- Tal - Alert Subcommander (TATV)
- Tallus - Blustering Pursuer (HaD)
- Talvin (2E)
- Taris - Deceitful Subcommander (2E)
- Taris - Deceitful Subcommander (VP TCC)
- Taris - Deceitful Subcommander (VP)
- Tebok - Posturing Commander (SNW)
- Telek R'Mor - Anachronistic Visitor (Errata) (MoT)
- Telek R'Mor - Anachronistic Visitor (MoT)
- Telek R'Mor - Astrophysical Researcher (2E)
- The Viceroy - Advisor to the Praetor (Archive)
- The Viceroy - Advisor to the Praetor (CL)
- The Viceroy - Advisor to the Praetor (Errata) (VP)
- The Viceroy - Advisor to the Praetor (VP)
- The Viceroy - Shinzon's Protector (2E)
- The Viceroy - Shinzon's Protector (AA)
- Thei - Candid Analyst (FotE)
- Tokath - Keeping the Peace (LIN)
- Tomalak - Beguiling Adversary (2E)
- Tomalak - Irate Commander (FT)
- Tomalak - Smug Antagonist (HaD)
- Toreth - Cautious Commander (ENE)