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All items (301)
- B'Etor - Romulan Conspirator (NE)
- B'Etor - Romulan Conspirator (NE) (Foil)
- B'Etor - Romulan Conspirator (RF2)
- B'Etor - Romulan Conspirator (VP TCC)
- B'Etor - Romulan Conspirator (VP)
- B'hava'el - Prevent Systemic Annihilation (ATtS)
- Ba'el - Clutching Two Worlds (LIN)
- Ba'el - Naive Prisoner (TSoP)
- Barradas III - Plunder Ruins (SM)
- Bassen Rift - Interdict Genocidal Praetor (TOD)
- Bassen Rift - Interdict Genocidal Praetor (VP)
- Betazed - Seize Asset (HaD)
- Bird-of-Prey (Errata) (RtS)
- Bird-of-Prey (RtS)
- Bird-of-Prey (VP TCC)
- Bird-of-Prey (VP)
- Bochra - Loyal Centurion (NE)
- Brainwashing (RF2)
- Brinkmanship (SNW)
- Caithlin Dar - Innocent Consul (FotE)
- Captive Audience (SC)
- Cardassia Prime - Secure Homeworld (SSK)
- Cardassia Prime - Secure Homeworld (TOD)
- Chagrith (2E)
- Chance Observation (NE)
- Change of Heart (RF2)
- Charvanek - Fleet Commander (AP)
- Charvanek - Fleet Commander (TATV)
- Charvanek - Neutral Zone Commander (Archive)
- Charvanek - Neutral Zone Commander (TATV)
- Charvanek - Patriotic Commander (SL)
- Clash at Chin'toka (CtA)
- Commandeer Prototype (WYLB)
- Conceal Unlikely Society (LIN)
- Continuing Committee Hearing (TBG)
- Covert Collusion (SYM)
- Covert Relationship (TATV)
- Cretak - Friendly Envoy (CM)
- Cretak - Supporter of the Alliance (2E)
- Cretak - Supporter of the Alliance (SSK)
- D'deridex (2E)
- D'deridex (BP TCC)
- D'deridex Advanced (2E)
- D'Ral - Mutinous Commander (TUC)
- D'Tan - Curious Youth (CL)
- Dark Pursuit (CL)
- Data - From the City of Rateg (IAMD)
- Data - From the City of Rateg (VP)
- Deanna Troi - Major Rakal (Errata) (P)
- Deanna Troi - Major Rakal (Errata) (RF2)
- Deanna Troi - Major Rakal (P)
- Deanna Troi - Major Rakal (RF2)
- Deep Hatred (NE)
- Deranas (2E)
- Devoras (Archive)
- Devoras (SNW)
- Diplomatic Masquerade (ENE)
- Discovered (TATV)
- Dissolving the Senate (CtA)
- Distant Control (WYLB)
- Donatra - Compassionate Patriot (2E)
- Donatra - Honorable Commander (EM)
- Donatra - Honorable Commander (Errata) (EM)
- Duras - Romulan Conspirator (HaD)
- Gal Gath'thong - Pride of the Praetor (Archive)
- Gal Gath'thong - Pride of the Praetor (TATV)
- Galathon - Steadfast Rival (ENE)
- Galorndon Core - Execute Surreptitious Operation (HaD)
- Gather Information (LIN)
- Geordi La Forge - Sleeper Agent (TAP)
- Getting Under Your Skin (NE)
- Getting Under Your Skin (P)
- Getting Under Your Skin (VP) (2E)
- Gi'ral - Reproachful Matriarch (LIN)
- Goraxus - Lying in Wait (TItW)
- Kalenna - Sentry (TSoP)
- Kar-telos Asteroid Belt - Salvage Wreckage (SB)
- Karina - Hindering Analyst (PP)
- Karina - Intelligence Analyst (CtA)
- Kassem - Soup Imperial (ClCiv)
- Kassem - Stern Operative (SNW)
- Keras - Creature of Duty (Archive)
- Keras - Creature of Duty (TATV)
- Khazara (ENE)
- Kilhra - Hidden Threat (PP)
- Klingon Borderland - Maintain Operational Secrecy (AR)
- Klingon-Occupied Outland - Enact Poetic Revenge (SC)
- Koval - Chairman of the Tal Shiar (NE)
- Koval - Chairman of the Tal Shiar (RF2)
- Koval - Chairman of the Tal Shiar (VP TCC)
- Koval - Chairman of the Tal Shiar (VP)
- Kuiper Belt - Expand Power (LPU)
- Palteth (ENE)
- Pardek - Betrayer (CtA)
- Parem - Special Security (NE)
- Patrol Neutral Zone (WYLB)
- Peaceful Contact (CtA)
- Pi - Off Course (INH)
- Planned Provocation (Errata) (RtG)
- Planned Provocation (RtG)
- Plasma Energy Weapon (TATV)
- Posturing (RtS)
- Power Shift (Errata 2) (VP)
- Power Shift (Errata)
- Power Shift (Errata) (VP)
- Power Shift (NE)
- Power Shift (VP TCC)
- Power Shift (VP)
- Praxis - Offer Assistance (TML)
- Praxus (SC)
- Preventative Ritual (CL)
- Protection of the Tal Shiar (2E)
- Provocative Ploy (TAP)
- Ptol (Errata)
- Ptol (RtS)
- Rasul (FotE)
- Rekar - Tool of the Tal'Shiar (Errata)
- Rekar - Tool of the Tal'Shiar (IAMD)
- Relam (NE)
- Reman Subterfuge (TBG)
- Rescue Prisoners of War (CtA)
- Retaya - Chemical Agent (FotE)
- Romulan Disruptor Pistol (2E)
- Romulan Impersonator - "Geordi La Forge" (Legacy)
- Romulan Intelligence Network (2E)
- Romulan Scout Vessel (2E)
- Romulus - Patient Stronghold (FotE)
- Romulus - Patient Stronghold (MAH)
- Romulus - Seat of Power (2E)
- Romulus - Seat of Power (2E) (2003)
- Romulus - Seat of Power (MAH)
- Rovaran (10AC)