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Founder Leader - Desperate Dictator (AR) -
U.S.S. Enterprise-E - Flagship of the Federation (BP TCC) -
Dukat - Pah-Wraith Puppet (Archive) -
Abduction (P) -
Ishka - Moogie (Archive) -
Casualties of the Occupation (SYM) -
Three of Nine - Tactician Drone (Errata) -
Three of Nine - Tactician Drone (TATV)
All items (623)
- A Chance for Glory (2E)
- A Chance for Glory (VP TCC)
- A Chance for Glory (VP)
- A Long Road (CL)
- A Royal Welcome (TSoP)
- Abduction (P)
- All Available Personnel (SoA)
- All-Out War (NE)
- All-Out War (NE) (Foil)
- All-Out War (VP TCC)
- All-Out War (VP)
- Allies on the Inside (NE)
- Allies on the Inside (VP TCC)
- Allies on the Inside (VP)
- Altovar - Vindictive Criminal (2E)
- Altovar - Vindictive Criminal (Errata)
- Aluura - Nice to Everyone (TBG)
- Alynna Nechayev - Adamant Admiral (TSoP)
- Amarie - Information Broker (INH)
- Ambitious Intellect (Errata) (US)
- Ambitious Intellect (US)
- Andro (MEN)
- Anij - Guiding Light (HaD)
- Annorax - Temporal Architect (TUC)
- Antarian Sector - Host Trans-stellar Rally (ClCiv)
- Anything or Anyone (NE)
- Anything or Anyone (NE) (Foil)
- Anything or Anyone (VP TCC)
- Anything or Anyone (VP)
- Apprehended (NE)
- Arrest Order (2E)
- Assassination Plot (ENE)
- Assimilated Transport (RtS)
- Astrometrics Lab (2E)
- Athos IV - Maquis Base (ENE)
- Athos IV - Maquis Base (HM)
- Audacious Assault (Errata) (LIN)
- Audacious Assault (LIN)
- B'Elanna Torres - Chief Engineer (TATV)
- B'Elanna Torres - Mother of the Kuvah'magh (MoT)
- B'Elanna Torres - Straightforward Engineer (CL)
- B'Elanna Torres - Straightforward Engineer (VP TCC)
- B'Elanna Torres - Straightforward Engineer (VP)
- BaH! (2E)
- Bar Brawl (AOY)
- Baraka (10AC)
- Baraka (XRP)
- Bareil Antos - Escort (DM)
- Bareil Antos - Opaka's Protector (NE)
- Bareil Antos - Petty Thief (IAMD)
- Base Commerce (UN)
- Battle Drills (2E)
- Battle Lust (NE)
- Benjamin Sisko - First Officer (TBG)
- Benjamin Sisko - Man of Resolve (ENE)
- Benjamin Sisko - Man of Resolve (P)
- Benjamin Sisko - Outlaw (Errata)
- Benjamin Sisko - Outlaw (FT)
- Benjamin Sisko - Resourceful Captain (FBtS)
- Berlinghoff Rasmussen - Temporal "Historian" (PP)
- Biological Distinctiveness (NE)
- Blow You Out of the Stars (Genesis reprints)
- Blow You Out of the Stars (Genesis)
- Borath - Psychological Researcher (AA)
- Borath - Psychological Researcher (CtA)
- Borath - Subconscious Projection (FT)
- Borg Cutting Beam (CtA)
- Borg Cutting Beam (VP)
- Borg Nanoprobes (INH)
- Borg Queen - Bringer of Order (P)
- Borg Queen - Bringer of Order (VP TCC)
- Borg Queen - Bringer of Order (VP)
- Borg Queen's Vessel - Borg Flagship (Archive)
- Borg Queen's Vessel - Borg Flagship (WYLB)
- Born for Conquest (ENE)
- Borum - Selfless Hero (ENE)
- Borum - Selfless Hero (RF2)
- Brainwashing (NE)
- Brainwashing (RF2)
- Bred for Battle (CtA)
- Broca - Grovelling Lackey (NE)
- Brunt - FCA Liquidator (P)
- Brunt - FCA Liquidator (SNW)
- Brunt - FCA Liquidator (VP TCC)
- Brunt - FCA Liquidator (VP)
- Brutal Struggle (2E)
- Calculated Concession (SoA)
- Calibration Drone (CtA)
- Cardassia Prime - Bastion of Resistance (MEN)
- Casualties of the Occupation (Errata) (SYM)
- Casualties of the Occupation (SYM)
- Caught in the Act (NE)
- Ceti Alpha V - Find Lifeless World (Errata)
- Ch'Pok - Vexing Advocate (INH)
- Ch'Regha - Open-Minded (TSoP)
- Changeling Infiltrator (Legacy)
- Changeling Sabotage (CtA)
- Charles Tucker III - Damaged Engineer (PP)
- Charles Tucker III - Horse Trader (DS)
- Clear Ultimatum (SNW)
- Collateral Damage (NE)
- Combat Vessel - Heavily Armed (US)
- Condition Captive (2E)
- Coordinated Attack (ENE)
- Corbin Entek - Undercover Operations Supervisor (2E)
- Cosette - Reliable Raider (Errata 1) (TItW)
- Cosette - Reliable Raider (Errata 2) (TitW)
- Cosette - Reliable Raider (TItW)
- Covert Collusion (SYM)
- Cripple Engines (SoA)
- Cry "Havoc!" (2E)
- Cry "Havoc!" (2E) (2003)
- Cryptic Revelation (MEN)
- Culling Raid (Phage)
- Curious Companion (MoT)
- Dabo! (TBG)
- Damar - Ambitious Glinn (TItW)
- Damar - Loyal Glinn (2E)
- Daniel Greaves - Strongman (LPU)
- Data - Commanding Officer (10AC)
- Data - Commanding Officer (XRP)
- Data - From the City of Rateg (IAMD)
- Data - From the City of Rateg (VP)
- Deanna Troi - Ship's Counselor (Errata)
- Deanna Troi - Ship's Counselor (NE)
- Defend It and Hope (SoA)
- Defragmentation Drone (NE)
- Desperate Sacrifice (P)
- Desperate Sacrifice (VP TCC)
- Desperate Sacrifice (VP)
- Devastating Melee (Nth)
- Devinoni Ral - Hired Gun (Errata) (SoA)
- Devinoni Ral - Hired Gun (SoA)
- Dimensional Shifting (2E)
- Disable Sensors (ENE)
- Disable Shields (SoA)
- Display of Wealth (US)
- Diversionary Tactics (PP)
- Down to Business (RtS)
- Drex - Arrogant Warrior (ENE)
- Dukat - Cardassian Representative (PP)
- Dukat - Cardassian Representative (SSK)
- Dukat - Erstwhile Ally (FBtS)
- Dukat - Military Advisor (2E)
- Dukat - Military Advisor (P)
- Dukat - Pah-Wraith Puppet (Archive)
- Dukat - Pah-Wraith Puppet (Errata) (Archive)
- Dukat - Pah-Wraith Puppet (Errata) (TATV)
- Dukat - Pah-Wraith Puppet (Errata) (VP)
- Dukat - Pah-Wraith Puppet (TATV)
- Dukat - Pah-Wraith Puppet (VP)
- Duras - Romulan Conspirator (HaD)
- Earth - Reject the Impure (LPU)
- Edward Jellico - Brusque Martinet (LPU)
- Elias Giger - Cellular Entertainer (ClCiv)
- Emergency Evacuation (FotE)
- Emergency Repairs (ATtS)
- Enemy in Your Midst (CtA)
- Engage Cloak (2E)
- Engage Cloak (VP TCC)
- Engage Cloak (VP)
- Escape Pod (TBG)
- Etana Jol - Ktarian Operative (2E)
- Exceed Engine Output (Archive)
- Exceed Engine Output (SNW)
- Exceed Engine Output (VP TCC)
- Exceed Engine Output (VP)
- Exchange Program (PP)
- Exocomp (Legacy)
- Fajo's Menagerie (CL)
- Fifth - Neonatal Drone (CL)
- Find Lifeless World (Errata)
- Find Lifeless World (WYLB)
- Finding Our Way (CL)
- Finding Our Way (Errata)
- Finding Our Way (Errata) (VP)
- Finding Our Way (VP)
- Flaw in the Plan (EM)
- Forcing Their Way (ALL)
- Forcing Their Way (Errata) (ALL)
- Foresight (RF2)
- Founder Agitator - Elusive Assassin (FT)
- Founder Councilor (CtA)
- Founder Leader - Desperate Dictator (AR)
- Founder Leader - Desperate Dictator (VP TCC)
- Founder Leader - Desperate Dictator (VP)
- Four of Nine - Heuristics Drone (TATV)
- Four of Twelve - Standardization Drone (TATV)
- Frantic Probe (BoT)
- Full Throttle (SoA)
- Furel - Resistance Scout (EM)