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- A Treasure Beyond Comparison (2E)
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- Call of the Nagus (VP)
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- Cellular Peptide Cake (Genesis)
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- Change of Venue (SoA)
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- Disadvantage Into Advantage (VP)
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- Distracting Exhibition (TBG)
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- Exceed Engine Output (VP)
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- Field Studies (VP)
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- Finding Our Way (VP)
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- Hollow Pleasantries (NE)
- Holodeck Arch (UN)
- Holographic Hoax (NE)
- How Would You Like a Trip to Romulus? (2E)
- How Would You Like a Trip to Romulus? (VP TCC)
- How Would You Like a Trip to Romulus? (VP)
- Humanity's Worst Enemy (LPU)