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- A Chance for Glory (VP)
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- At an Impasse (NE)
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- At What Cost? (RF2)
- At What Cost? (VP TCC)
- At What Cost? (VP)
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- Cellular Peptide Cake (Genesis)
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- Change of Venue (SoA)
- Change of Venue (SoA) (Errata 2)
- Changed History (Errata) (RF2)
- Changed History (RF2)
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- Changed History (VP)
- Changeling Sabotage (CtA)
- Chimeric Diversion (ATtS)
- Christening (TItW)
- Christening (VP TCC)
- Christening (VP)
- Chronology Drone (CTK)
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- Cluttering Irrelevancies (Errata)
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- Common Ground (ENE)
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- Common Purpose (VP)
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- Confessions in the Pale Moonlight (RF2)
- Confessions in the Pale Moonlight (VP TCC)
- Confessions in the Pale Moonlight (VP)
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- Conscription (ENE)
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- Continuity Drone (CtA)
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- Coordinated Larceny (US)
- Countermeasure Drone (CTK)
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- Cutting the Strings (RtG)
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- D'Vela (VP TCC)
- D'Vela (VP)
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- D-7 Battlecruiser (TATV)
- D-7 Battlecruiser (VP TCC)
- D-7 Battlecruiser (VP)
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- Dedication Plaque (20A)
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- Defend Our People (TBG)
- Defensive Upgrades (Errata) (RtS)
- Defensive Upgrades (RtS)