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- Bassen Rift - Interdict Genocidal Praetor (VP)
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- Beverly Crusher - Chief Medical Officer (Errata) (2E)
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- Dark Pursuit (Archive)
- Dark Pursuit (CL)
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- Data - Aspirer (P)
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- Deanna Troi - Guide and Conscience (Errata)
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- Desperate Sacrifice (VP)
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- Donatra - Honorable Commander (Errata) (EM)
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- Remus - Supervise Dilithium Mine (Errata) (2E)
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- Remus - Supervise Dilithium Mine (VP)
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- Security Drills (VP TCC)
- Security Drills (VP)
- Shining So Bright (VP)
- Shining So Bright (VP) (AI)
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- Shock Troops (SoA)
- Soterus (CtA)
- Supervise Dilithium Mine (2E)
- Suran - Ambitious Commander (2E)
- Systems Diagnostic (2E)
- Systems Diagnostic (2E) (2003)
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- The Reman Mines (Errata) (2E)
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- The Viceroy - Advisor to the Praetor (Errata)
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- The Viceroy - Shinzon's Protector (2E)
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- Thexor (2E)
- Treachery Running Deep (FtB)