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James T. Kirk - Original Thinker (Genesis) -
Kor - Noble Warrior to the End (CtA) -
Weyoun - Dominion Representative (PP) -
Dukat - Dominion Puppet (ST50)
All items (662)
- A.G. Robinson - Prototype Captain (RtS)
- Aaron Conor - Born Leader (NE)
- Acost Jared (2E)
- Akorem Laan - Misguided Mystic (MEN)
- Alidar Jarok - Conscientious Admiral (2E)
- Alynna Nechayev - Adamant Admiral (TSoP)
- Amaros - Earnest Vanguard (ENE)
- Ambassador Gral - High-Ranking Official (TATV)
- Andrea Brand - Academy Superintendent (2E)
- Annorax - Temporal Architect (TUC)
- Anthony Braxton - Forward-thinking Recruiter (MoT)
- Anthwara - Leader of the Tribal Council (UN)
- Anthwara - Steadfast Elder (ATtS)
- Arandis - Risan Facilitator (TSoP)
- Arandis - Risan Facilitator (VP TCC)
- Arandis - Risan Facilitator (VP)
- Arridor - "Great Sage" (SNW)
- Assist Rescue Operation (TBG)
- Azetbur - Visionary Chancellor (TUC)
- Azetbur - Visionary Chancellor (VP TCC)
- Azetbur - Visionary Chancellor (VP)
- B'Etor - Ambitious Renegade (NE)
- B'Etor - Cutthroat Accomplice (HaD)
- B'Etor - Sister of Duras (2E)
- Badar N'D'D - Parliamentary Predator (TOD)
- Bareil Antos - Escort (DM)
- Bareil Antos - Esteemed Vedek (2E)
- Bareil Antos - Esteemed Vedek (RF2)
- Bareil Antos - Esteemed Vedek (VP TCC)
- Bareil Antos - Esteemed Vedek (VP)
- Bareil Antos - Opaka's Protector (NE)
- Bareil Antos - Selfless Scapegoat (CM)
- Bareil Antos - Selfless Scapegoat (TML)
- Benjamin Maxwell - Misguided Maverick (TItW)
- Benjamin Sisko - "Jodmos, Son of Kobor" (AR)
- Benjamin Sisko - Acting Head of Starfleet Security (BoT)
- Benjamin Sisko - Bold Captain (WYLB)
- Benjamin Sisko - Command Staffer (TATV)
- Benjamin Sisko - Command Staffer (VP TCC)
- Benjamin Sisko - Command Staffer (VP)
- Benjamin Sisko - Corporeal Intercessor (MEN)
- Benjamin Sisko - Defiant Captain (2E)
- Benjamin Sisko - Defiant Captain (SSK)
- Benjamin Sisko - Enlightened Supervisor (SB)
- Benjamin Sisko - First Officer (TBG)
- Benjamin Sisko - Grand Proxy (HT)
- Benjamin Sisko - Man of Resolve (ENE)
- Benjamin Sisko - Man of Two Worlds (PP)
- Benjamin Sisko - Outlaw (FT)
- Benjamin Sisko - Preserving History (VP)
- Benjamin Sisko - Resourceful Captain (FBtS)
- Benjamin Sisko - The Emissary of the Prophets (2E)
- Benjamin Sisko - The Emissary of the Prophets (RF2)
- Benjamin Sisko - Vastly Outnumbered (ALL)
- Benjamin Sisko - Vastly Outnumbered (Errata) (ALL)
- Berild (2E)
- Beverly Crusher - Captain Picard (VP TCC)
- Beverly Crusher - Captain Picard (VP)
- Beverly Crusher - Captain Picard (WYLB)
- Beverly Crusher - Encouraging Commander (TAP)
- Beverly Crusher - Principled Physician (HaD)
- Bhavani (2E)
- Borath - Subconscious Projection (FT)
- Borg Queen - Bringer of Order (CtA)
- Borg Queen - Bringer of Order (VP TCC)
- Borg Queen - Bringer of Order (VP)
- Borg Queen - Guardian of the Hive (CtA)
- Borg Queen - Guardian of the Hive (RF2)
- Borg Queen - Obsessed (WYLB)
- Borg Queen - Perfectionist (10AC)
- Borg Queen - Perfectionist (VP TCC)
- Borg Queen - Perfectionist (VP)
- Borg Queen - Perfectionist (XRP)
- Borg Queen - The One Who Is Many (AP)
- Borg Queen - The One Who is Many (TBG)
- Bractor - Suspicious Leader (TItW)
- Bridon (Phage)
- Brull - Encampment Leader (2E)
- Brun (MEN)
- Brunt - Acting Grand Nagus (RtS)
- Cal Hudson - Attaché to the Demilitarized Zone (ENE)
- Cal Hudson - Convincing Recruiter (RtS)
- Cal Hudson - Convincing Recruiter (RtS) (Errata)
- Carlson (CTK)
- Cavit - Apprehensive First Officer (CL)
- Chakotay - First Officer (TATV)
- Chakotay - Freedom Fighter (ENE)
- Chakotay - Steadfast Commander (LD)
- Chakotay - The Galaxy's Most Wanted (CTK)
- Chang - Gorkon's Chief of Staff (VP TCC)
- Chang - Gorkon's Chief of Staff (VP)
- Chang - Gorkon's Chief of Staff (WYLB)
- Charles Whatley - Professional Admiral (EM)
- Charles Whatley - Professional Admiral (Errata) (EM)
- Charvanek - Neutral Zone Commander (Archive)
- Charvanek - Neutral Zone Commander (TATV)
- Charvanek - Patriotic Commander (SL)
- Chorgan - Leader of the Gatherers (2E)
- Christopher Pike - Bold Commander (ST50)
- Clark Terrell - Reliant Captain (WYLB)
- Cretak - Friendly Envoy (CM)
- Crom - Open-minded (LIN)
- Cyrus Redblock - Civil Criminal (TBG)
- D'Ghor - Plotting Like a Ferengi (ClCiv)
- Dala - Con Artist (US)
- Damar - Martyred Outlaw (FBtS)
- Danar - Irascible Gul (2E)
- Daniel Greaves - Strongman (LPU)
- Daniel Leonard - Cautious Admiral (CL)
- Darhe'el - The Butcher of Gallitep (2E)
- Data - Commanding Officer (10AC)
- Data - Commanding Officer (XRP)
- Data - Masquerading Monarch (DS)
- Dathon - Speaker of Tama (2E)
- Deyos - Ruthless Administrator (IAMD)
- Doctor Chaotica - Ruler of the Cosmos (CTK)
- Dolak - Offended Neighbor (ZH)
- Donald Varley - Discoverer of Iconia (INH)
- Donatra - Compassionate Patriot (2E)
- Donatra - Honorable Commander (EM)
- Donatra - Honorable Commander (Errata) (EM)
- Drai - First Hunter (SoA)
- Dukat - Ambitious Commander (TItW)
- Dukat - Cardassian Representative (PP)
- Dukat - Cardassian Representative (SSK)
- Dukat - Dominion Puppet (ST50)
- Dukat - Erstwhile Ally (FBtS)
- Dukat - Interstellar Despot (SL)
- Dukat - Liberator and Protector (CtA)
- Dukat - Liberator and Protector (RF2)
- Dukat - Military Advisor (2E)
- Dukat - Prefect of Bajor (FT)
- Dukat - Prefect of Bajor (VP TCC)
- Dukat - Prefect of Bajor (VP)
- Dukat - True Cardassian (10AC)
- Dukat - True Cardassian (XRP)
- Duras - Devious Challenger (TItW)
- Duras - Romulan Conspirator (HaD)
- Duras - Son of a Traitor (2E)
- Duras the Elder - Son of Toral (SM)
- E'Tyshra (CtA)
- Edward Jellico - Brusque Martinet (LPU)
- Elizabeth Shelby - Formidable Presence (2E)
- Emck - Export Controller (EM)
- Enabran Tain - Head of the Obsidian Order (2E)
- Enabran Tain - Prideful Director (FBtS)
- Enabran Tain - Prideful Director (SSK)
- Erik Pressman - Stern Authoritarian (FotE)
- Erika Benteen - Leyton's Adjunct (IAMD)
- Erika Hernandez - Comparable Captain (CL)
- Evans (TATV)
- Evek - Attaché to the Demilitarized Zone (2E)
- Evek - Harsh Interrogator (ENE)
- Fiona McKenzie - Experienced Corporal (TSoP)
- First - Unstable (Archive)
- First - Unstable (TBG)
- Five of Twelve - Axum (UN)
- Founder Instigator - Unmasked (LIN)
- Founder Leader - Beguiling Teacher (CtA)
- Founder Leader - Beguiling Teacher (SSK)
- Founder Leader - Desperate Dictator (AR)
- Founder Leader - Desperate Dictator (VP TCC)
- Founder Leader - Desperate Dictator (VP)
- Founder Leader - Forbidding Judge (CtA)
- Founder Leader - Single-Minded (WYLB)
- Gabriel Bell - American Hero (VP)
- Galathon - Steadfast Rival (ENE)
- Garth of Izar - Criminally Insane (EM)
- Gelnon - Accurate Estimator (TItW)
- Gelnon - Aloof Tactician (RF2)
- Gelnon - Aloof Tactician (VP TCC)
- Gelnon - Aloof Tactician (VP)
- Geordi La Forge - Chief Engineer (2E)
- Geordi La Forge - Chief Engineer (VP TCC)
- Geordi La Forge - Chief Engineer (VP)
- Geordi La Forge - Illuminated Advocate (HaD)
- Geordi La Forge - Temporal Enforcer (CTK)
- George Stocker - Starbase Commodore (TATV)
- Gint - Avaricious Author (LIN)
- Gint - The First Grand Nagus (IAMD)
- Gint - The First Grand Nagus (VP TCC)
- Gint - The First Grand Nagus (VP)
- Giotto - Security Chief (PP)
- Gor - Thot (Archive)
- Gor - Thot (IAMD)
- Goran'Agar - Trusted Commander (SNW)
- Gorkon - Visionary Chancellor (WYLB)
- Gowron - Celebrated Leader (WYLB)
- Gowron - Leader of the High Council (2E)
- Gowron - Sole Leader of the Empire (10AC)
- Gowron - Sole Leader of the Empire (XRP)
- Gozar (SNW)
- Grebnedlog - Pakled Captain (CL)
- Gregory Quinn - Alien Courier (BoT)
- Grenis (2E)
- Grilka - Glorious Lady (IAMD)