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All items (41)
- K'Ehleyr - Diplomatic Advisor (SNW)
- K'Ehleyr - Uncertain Emissary (ZH)
- K'mpec - Protector of the Empire (RtS)
- K'Tal - Senior Council Member (NE)
- Kamarag - Passionate Orator (ST50)
- Kerla - Military Advisor (TUC)
- Kerla - Military Advisor (VP TCC)
- Kerla - Military Advisor (VP)
- Klag - Second Officer (FtB)
- Klag - Second Officer (VP TCC)
- Klag - Second Officer (VP)
- Kohlar - Pilgrim Commander (RtS)
- Koloth - D'akturak (2E)
- Koloth - D'akturak (SSK)
- Koloth - Ingratiating Captain (Archive)
- Koloth - Ingratiating Captain (TATV)
- Korath - Duplicitous Tinkerer (Errata 2) (FT)
- Korath - Duplicitous Tinkerer (FT)
- Korrd - Obsolete Consul (FotE)
- Kurn - Son of Mogh (HT)
- Kurn - Squadron Commander (2E)