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Dukat - Pah-Wraith Puppet (Archive) -
Elim Garak - First Officer of Terok Nor (FT) -
Skron (SNW) -
Noonien Soong - Often-Wrong (SNW) -
Nicholas Locarno - Nova Squadron Leader (TBG) -
Elim Garak - Agent of the Obsidian Order (2E)
All items (548)
- Acclimation Drone (CtA)
- Acost Jared (2E)
- Aikido (SNW)
- Alidar Jarok - Conscientious Admiral (2E)
- Allocation Drone (CtA)
- Altovar - Vindictive Criminal (2E)
- Amanda Cole (TATV)
- Amaros - Earnest Vanguard (ENE)
- Anara (2E)
- Andreas Colter (CL)
- Angela Martine (TATV)
- Anneli (NE)
- Annexation Drone (RF2)
- Appraisal Drone (CtA)
- Archival Drone (CtA)
- Arctus Baran - Mercenary Captain (ENE)
- Arctus Baran - Treasure Seeker (10AC)
- Arctus Baran - Treasure Seeker (XRP)
- Areel Shaw (TATV)
- Arik Soong - Father of Many (TBG)
- Arridor - "Great Sage" (SNW)
- B'Elanna Torres - Creative Engineer (CtA)
- B'Elanna Torres - Straightforward Engineer (CL)
- B'Etor - Ambitious Renegade (NE)
- B'Etor - Romulan Conspirator (NE)
- B'Etor - Romulan Conspirator (NE) (Foil)
- B'Etor - Romulan Conspirator (RF2)
- B'Etor - Sister of Duras (2E)
- B-4 - Dangerous Simpleton (SNW)
- Bareil Antos - Petty Thief (IAMD)
- Barron (2E)
- Bashir Founder - Imperturbable Infiltrator (TATV)
- Bashir Founder - Nefarious Saboteur (CtA)
- Bashir Founder - Nefarious Saboteur (RF2)
- Basso Tromac - Smug Subordinate (CL)
- Baxter - Wandering Security Officer (CL)
- Bejal Otner - Wormhole Theorist (TATV)
- Benjamin Finney - Bitter Records Officer (WYLB)
- Benjamin Sisko - Man of Resolve (ENE)
- Benjamin Sisko - Outlaw (FT)
- Bennet (CL)
- Berild (2E)
- Birta - "Helpful" DaiMon (SNW)
- Boheeka - Clandestine Connection (ENE)
- Bok - Vengeful DaiMon (SNW)
- Borath - Psychological Researcher (AA)
- Borath - Psychological Researcher (CtA)
- Borath - Subconscious Projection (FT)
- Borts (SNW)
- Bregath (ENE)
- Brilgar (2E)
- Broca - Grovelling Lackey (NE)
- Bruce Maddox - Chair of Robotics (SNW)
- Brunt - FCA Liquidator (SNW)
- Burrows - Diagnostic Tech (TBG)
- Cal Hudson - Attaché to the Demilitarized Zone (ENE)
- Calibration Drone (CtA)
- Calisthenics Opponent (SNW)
- Callaghan (TBG)
- Cartography Drone (CtA)
- Cavit - Apprehensive First Officer (CL)
- Chagrith (2E)
- Chakotay - Freedom Fighter (ENE)
- Chang - Gorkon's Chief of Staff (VP TCC)
- Chang - Gorkon's Chief of Staff (VP)
- Chang - Gorkon's Chief of Staff (WYLB)
- Charles Tucker III - Competent Engineer (IAMD)
- Charvanek - Fleet Commander (AP)
- Charvanek - Fleet Commander (TATV)
- Charvanek - Neutral Zone Commander (Archive)
- Charvanek - Neutral Zone Commander (TATV)
- Chorgan - Leader of the Gatherers (2E)
- Clark Terrell - Reliant Captain (WYLB)
- Computation Drone (CtA)
- Continuity Drone (CtA)
- Corbin Entek - Undercover Operations Supervisor (2E)
- Cretak - Supporter of the Alliance (2E)
- Crosis - Fanatical Lieutenant (NE)
- Crosis - Fanatical Lieutenant (NE) (Foil)
- Crosis - Fanatical Lieutenant (RF2)
- Cunningham - Assigned to the Galley (TBG)
- Cyrus Redblock - Civil Criminal (TBG)
- D'Nesh - Manipulative Gift (Errata)
- D'Nesh - Manipulative Gift (WYLB)
- D'Vela (WYLB)
- Dallan (2E)
- Dallas (TBG)
- Damar - Loyal Glinn (2E)
- Damar - Useful Adjutant (CtA)
- Damar - Useful Adjutant (RF2)
- Danar - Irascible Gul (2E)
- Daniel Leonard - Cautious Admiral (CL)
- Darhe'el - The Butcher of Gallitep (2E)
- Daro (2E)
- David Marcus - Young Scientist (Genesis reprints)
- David Marcus - Young Scientist (Genesis)
- Davies (2E)
- Davin (CtA)
- Day Kannu - Field Colonel (NE)
- Defragmentation Drone (NE)
- Dejar - Cunning Saboteur (SNW)
- Deyos - Ruthless Administrator (IAMD)
- Dokar (2E)
- Donatra - Compassionate Patriot (2E)
- Dr. Leah Brahms - Holographic Representation (SNW)
- Dralvak (2E)
- Drex - Arrogant Warrior (ENE)
- Dukat - Anjohl Tennan (NE)
- Dukat - Anjohl Tennan (NE) (Foil)
- Dukat - Liberator and Protector (CtA)
- Dukat - Liberator and Protector (RF2)
- Dukat - Military Advisor (2E)
- Dukat - Pah-Wraith Puppet (Archive)
- Dukat - Pah-Wraith Puppet (TATV)
- Dukat - Prefect of Bajor (FT)
- Dukat - True Cardassian (10AC)
- Dukat - True Cardassian (XRP)
- Duras - Son of a Traitor (2E)
- Durg (2E)
- E'Tyshra (CtA)
- E.M.H. Program (SNW)
- Elim Garak - Agent of the Obsidian Order (2E)
- Elim Garak - Agent of the Obsidian Order (2E) (Foil)
- Elim Garak - First Officer of Terok Nor (FT)
- Elim Garak - Plain, Simple Tailor (CtA)
- Elizabeth Cutler - Eager Entomologist (TBG)
- Emok (2E)
- Emory Erickson - Father of the Transporter (TBG)
- Enabran Tain - "Retired" Spymaster (RF2)
- Enabran Tain - Head of the Obsidian Order (2E)
- Enabran Tain - Retired Mastermind (ENE)
- Erika Benteen - Leyton's Adjunct (IAMD)
- Eris - Duplicitous Vorta (WYLB)
- Etana Jol - Ktarian Operative (2E)
- Evek - Attaché to the Demilitarized Zone (2E)
- Evek - Harsh Interrogator (ENE)
- Examination Drone (NE)
- Ezri Tigan - Soldier of Fortune (IAMD)
- Facilitation Drone (NE)
- Farrell (IAMD)
- Fifth - Neonatal Drone (CL)
- First - Unstable (Archive)
- First - Unstable (TBG)
- Five of Twelve - Secondary Adjunct of Trimatrix 942 (NE)
- Flink (SNW)
- Founder Agitator - Elusive Assassin (FT)
- Founder Architect (NE)
- Founder Architect (RF2)
- Founder Councilor (CtA)
- Founder Leader - Beguiling Teacher (CtA)
- Founder Leader - Forbidding Judge
- Founder Leader - Forbidding Judge (CtA)
- Founder Leader - Single-Minded (WYLB)
- Four of Twelve - Standardization Drone (TATV)
- Fourth - Neonatal Drone (TBG)
- Frool - Old and Fragile (TBG)
- Gaeta (TBG)
- Galathon - Steadfast Rival (ENE)
- Galnar (2E)
- Garrid (TBG)
- Gary Mitchell - Godlike Mutant (TATV)
- Gelnon - Aloof Tactician (RF2)
- Gideon Seyetik - Great Terraformer (2E)
- Gint - The First Grand Nagus (IAMD)
- Gor - Thot (Archive)
- Gor - Thot (IAMD)
- Goss - Direct Negotiator (SNW)
- Gozar (SNW)
- Grathon Tolar - Hologram Forger (2E)
- Grimp - Pessimist (TBG)
- Guidance Drone (CtA)
- Hannah Bates - Biosphere Expert (NE)
- Harana (ENE)
- Harrad-Sar - Slave of the Situation (WYLB)
- Hazar (2E)
- Hideaki Chang - Conscientious Corporal (TATV)
- Hikaru Sulu - Savage Security Chief (IAMD)
- Hiren - Romulan Praetor (2E)
- Hoshi Sato - Captain's Woman (IAMD)
- Hoshi Sato - Empress (AP)
- Hoshi Sato - Empress (IAMD)
- J'Dan (2E)
- Jack - Maladjusted Misfit (CtA)
- Jaglom Shrek (ENE)
- Jakin (CtA)
- James T. Kirk - Brutal Barbarian (Archive)
- James T. Kirk - Brutal Barbarian (IAMD)
- Jaro Essa - Leader of the Circle (ENE)
- Jasad (Genesis reprints)
- Jasad (Genesis)
- Jean Hejar - Nova Squadron Navigator (TBG)
- Jeffrey Pierce - On The Edge (TBG)
- Jera (IAMD)
- Jerax (2E)
- Jeremy Lucas - Phlox's Colleague (TBG)
- Jo'Bril - Patient Schemer (2E)
- Joe Carey - Next in Line (CL)