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Dominion Battleship (RF2) -
Dominion Battleship (VP) (2E) -
Weyoun - Dominion Representative (PP) -
Dukat - Dominion Puppet (ST50) -
Dominion Battleship (BP TCC) -
Dominion Galor (AR)
All items (253)
- Acquire Captives (LIN)
- Amar'itak (NE)
- Amat'igan - Founder Bodyguard (PP)
- Ammut'alar - Unexpected Threat (TItW)
- Anything or Anyone (NE) (Foil)
- Anything or Anyone (VP TCC)
- Anything or Anyone (VP)
- Arak'Taral - Suspicious Second (FtB)
- Archanis Dispute (CtA)
- Argus Array - Redirect Subspace Telescope (TML)
- Audacious Assault (Errata) (LIN)
- Audacious Assault (LIN)
- Ba'ku Planet - Collect Metaphasic Particles (HaD)
- Bajoran Sector - Engage Enemy Forces (SSK)
- Bajoran Sector - Engage Enemy Forces (TOD)
- Bashir Founder - Imperturbable Infiltrator (TATV)
- Bashir Founder - Imperturbable Infiltrator (VP TCC)
- Bashir Founder - Imperturbable Infiltrator (VP)
- Bashir Founder - Nefarious Saboteur (CtA)
- Bashir Founder - Nefarious Saboteur (RF2)
- Betazed - Occupy Homeworld (ATtS)
- Betazed - Seize Asset (HaD)
- Borath - Psychological Researcher (AA)
- Borath - Psychological Researcher (CtA)
- Borath - Subconscious Projection (FT)
- Bound by Addiction (TBG)
- Breen Founder - Persuader (RtS)
- Broca - Useful Idiot (AR)
- Building a Bridge (CtA)
- Cardassia Prime - Secure Homeworld (SSK)
- Cardassia Prime - Secure Homeworld (TOD)
- Cardassia Prime - Subjugated Planet (AR)
- Cardassia Prime - Subjugated Planet (MAH)
- Changeling Infiltrator (Legacy)
- Clandestine Kidnapping (RtG)
- Clash at Chin'toka (CtA)
- Contested Defense Perimeter - Penetrate Enemy Lines (Errata) (LIN)
- Contested Defense Perimeter - Penetrate Enemy Lines (VP)
- Crippling Strike (Errata) (SB)
- Crippling Strike (SB)
- Crom - Open-minded (LIN)
- Damar - Aggrieved Subject (AR)
- Delta Pavonis - Secure Expansion (ZH)
- Denorios Belt - Silence Prophets (SM)
- Destroy Iconian Gateway (CtA)
- Devastating Melee (Nth)
- Devos II - Secure Son'a Outpost (Errata) (HaD)
- Devos II - Secure Son'a Outpost (HaD)
- Deyos - Ruthless Administrator (IAMD)
- Dikut'ukan (RtS)
- Dominion Battleship (BP TCC)
- Dominion Battleship (RF2)
- Dominion Battleship (VP) (2E)
- Dominion Galor (AR)
- Drai - First Hunter (SoA)
- Draz - Overeager (LIN)
- Dukat - Dominion Puppet (ST50)
- Dukat - Interstellar Despot (SL)
- Duran'Adar - Attentive Sixth (SNW)
- Farius Prime - Approach Criminal Organization (ATtS)
- Farius Prime - Political Intrigue (Errata)
- Fel - Hands-on (LIN)
- Founder Agitator - Elusive Assassin (FT)
- Founder Architect (RF2)
- Founder Architect (VP) (2E)
- Founder Councilor (CtA)
- Founder Instigator - Unmasked (LIN)
- Founder Leader - Beguiling Teacher (CtA)
- Founder Leader - Beguiling Teacher (SSK)
- Founder Leader - Desperate Dictator (AR)
- Founder Leader - Desperate Dictator (VP TCC)
- Founder Leader - Desperate Dictator (VP)
- Founder Leader - Forbidding Judge (CtA)
- Founder Leader - Intergalactic Warlord (BoT)
- Founder Leader - Single-Minded (WYLB)
- Founders' Homeworld - Contingent Refuge (MAH)
- Founders' Homeworld - Contingent Refuge (SB)
- Founders' Homeworld - Home of the Great Link (CtA)
- Founders' Homeworld - Home of the Great Link (MAH)
- Friction (RF2)
- Friction (VP) (2E)
- Gallatin - Once Called Gal'na (HaD)
- Galorndon Core - Execute Surreptitious Operation (HaD)
- Gelnon - Accurate Estimator (TItW)
- Gelnon - Aloof Tactician (RF2)
- Gelnon - Aloof Tactician (VP TCC)
- Gelnon - Aloof Tactician (VP)
- Gor - Thot (Archive)
- Gor - Thot (IAMD)
- Goran'Agar - Trusted Commander (SNW)
- Greitak (HT)
- Guna'shan (HT)
- I.K.S. Negh'Var - Infiltrated Flagship (FBtS)
- Ikat'ika - Honorable Warrior (CtA)
- Ikat'ika - Honorable Warrior (Errata)
- Imat'Korex (CtA)
- Inglatu - Tulaberry Merchant (UN)
- Ishka - Opportunistic Hostage (SYM)
- Isolytic Detonation (HaD)
- Ixtana'Rax - Honored Elder (Errata)
- Ixtana'Rax - Honored Elder (RF2)
- Ixtana'Rax - Honored Elder (VP TCC)
- Ixtana'Rax - Honored Elder (VP)
- Izir'isel - Lemec's Warship (AR)
- Kar-telos Asteroid Belt - Salvage Wreckage (SB)
- Karemma Freighter (UN)
- Karemman Fleece (SB)
- Kaza'kime - Effective Demonstration (TItW)
- Keevan - Conniving Liar (CtA)
- Keevan - Conniving Liar (VP TCC)
- Keevan - Conniving Liar (VP)
- Keevan - Pragmatic Captor (Errata) (SYM)
- Keevan - Pragmatic Captor (SYM)
- Kilana - Dissembling Envoy (CtA)
- Kilana - Unctuous Negotiator (LIN)
- Kira Founder - Curious (SB)
- Kira Founder - Examiner (CtA)
- Klingon Borderland - Maintain Operational Secrecy (AR)
- Krajensky Founder - Adversary (TATV)
- Kudak'Etan - Arrogant First (10AC)
- Kudak'Etan - Arrogant First (XRP)
- Laas - Rejoining the Link (CM)
- Laas - Rejoining the Link (TML)
- Lam (IAMD)
- Lamat'Ukan - Resourceful Third (RF2)
- Lemec - Prefect of Betazed (AR)
- Li'seria - Son'a Flagship (HaD)
- Liam Bilby - Unwitting Accomplice (SB)
- Limara'Son - Fierce Soldier (CtA)
- Lovok Founder - Effective Changeling (TATV)
- Lovok Founder - Puppet Master (CtA)
- Luaran - Critical Coordinator (TSoP)
- Martok Founder - False Flag Officer (FBtS)
- Martok Founder - Poison of the Empire (CtA)
- Meso'Clan - Self-Sacrificing Fourth (INH)
- Metreon Cloud - Engage Enemy Ship (HaD)
- Mine Vendarite (EM)
- Mobilization Points (SB)
- Mobilization Points (VP)
- Morad'inar (AR)
- Morphogenic Virus (ClCiv)
- Mouth of the Wormhole - Terok Nor (CtA)
- Odera'Klen (CtA)
- Odo - The Great Link's Savior (Archive)
- Odo - The Great Link's Savior (VP TCC)
- Odo - The Great Link's Savior (VP)
- Odo - The Great Link's Savior (WYLB)
- Odo Founder - Adept Imposter (NE) (Foil)
- Odo Founder - Adept Imposter (VP TCC)
- Odo Founder - Adept Imposter (VP)
- Omet'iklan - Steely Disciplinarian (Archive)
- Omet'iklan - Steely Disciplinarian (SNW)
- Orbital Weapon Platform (SoA)
- Ornithar - First Minister (UN)
- Rae'alin (HaD)
- Raimus - Syndicate Collaborator (ClCiv)
- Rak'tazan (CtA)
- Rayva - Bureaucratic Ally (BoT)
- Reclaim Terok Nor (VP)
- Reclaim Terok Nor (WYLB)
- Recruit Ally (LIN)
- Relentless Charge (RtS)
- Remata'Klan - Steadfast Sentinel (SSK)
- Remata'Klan - Steadfast Sentinel (SYM)
- Remata'Klan - Unit Leader (CtA)
- Remata'Klan - Unit Leader (RF2)
- Remata'Klan - Unit Leader (VP TCC)
- Remata'Klan - Unit Leader (VP)