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Quark - Lumba (TSoP) -
Weyoun - Dominion Representative (PP) -
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Kavok - Challenging Captain (SoA) -
Harcourt Fenton Mudd - Swindler, Conman, Liar, Rogue (MEN)
All items (586)
- A Private Little War (ID)
- A Private Little War (IDR)
- A Taste of Armageddon (LD)
- A.G. Robinson - Prototype Captain (RtS)
- Aceton Assimilators (Nth)
- Aggressive Behavior (2E)
- Ak'voh (ENE)
- Alexander Rozhenko - K'mtar (RF2)
- Alexander Rozhenko - K'mtar (VP TCC)
- Alexander Rozhenko - K'mtar (VP)
- An Issue of Trust (Errata) (Archive)
- An Issue of Trust (Errata) (CL)
- An Issue of Trust (Errata) (VP)
- Anthwara - Leader of the Tribal Council (UN)
- Arandis - Risan Facilitator (TSoP)
- Arandis - Risan Facilitator (VP TCC)
- Arandis - Risan Facilitator (VP)
- Archaic Snare (SYM)
- Armed Search Party (Archive)
- Armed Search Party (CL)
- Armus Roulette (2E)
- Assassin Team (RtS)
- Assassination Attempt (2E)
- Assassination Attempt (AA)
- Assimilated Transport (RtS)
- Azetbur - Visionary Chancellor (TUC)
- Azetbur - Visionary Chancellor (VP TCC)
- Azetbur - Visionary Chancellor (VP)
- Back to Basics (VP TCC)
- Back to Basics (VP)
- Back to Basics (WYLB)
- Bajoran Interceptor (2E)
- Bareil Antos - Escort (DM)
- Bareil Antos - Opaka's Protector (NE)
- Bareil Antos - Petty Thief (IAMD)
- Bashir Founder - Nefarious Saboteur (CtA)
- Bashir Founder - Nefarious Saboteur (RF2)
- Basso Tromac - Smug Subordinate (CL)
- Bejal Otner - Wormhole Theorist (TATV)
- Benjamin Sisko - Acting Head of Starfleet Security (BoT)
- Benjamin Sisko - Defiant Captain (2E)
- Benjamin Sisko - Defiant Captain (SSK)
- Benjamin Sisko - Man of Two Worlds (PP)
- Benjamin Sisko - Preserving History (VP)
- Benjamin Sisko - Shipwright (10AC)
- Benjamin Sisko - Shipwright (XRP)
- Beverly Crusher - Battleship Doctor (IAMD)
- Bigger Tattoo (IAMD)
- Bio-neural Computer Core (DM)
- Bio-neural Computer Core (Errata)
- Bird-of-Prey (Errata) (RtS)
- Bird-of-Prey (RtS)
- Bird-of-Prey (VP TCC)
- Bird-of-Prey (VP)
- Borath - Subconscious Projection (FT)
- Borg Queen - Bringer of Order (CtA)
- Borg Queen - Bringer of Order (P)
- Borg Queen - Bringer of Order (VP TCC)
- Borg Queen - Bringer of Order (VP)
- Borg Queen - Guardian of the Hive (CtA)
- Borg Queen - Guardian of the Hive (RF2)
- Borg Queen - Obsessed (WYLB)
- Bound by Addiction (TBG)
- Bread and Circuses (ZH)
- Breen Founder - Persuader (RtS)
- Brunt - Acting Grand Nagus (RtS)
- Brunt - Nice Guy (IAMD)
- Cal Hudson - Convincing Recruiter (RtS)
- Cal Hudson - Convincing Recruiter (RtS) (Errata)
- Captain's Log (IAMD)
- Casualties of War (ENE)
- Chained Environment (RtG)
- Chakotay - Steadfast Commander (LD)
- Chula: The Chandra (VP TCC)
- Chula: The Chandra (VP)
- Chula: The Chandra (WYLB)
- Columbia - The Second Warp Five Ship (Archive)
- Columbia - The Second Warp Five Ship (CL)
- Columbia - The Second Warp Five Ship (VP TCC)
- Columbia - The Second Warp Five Ship (VP)
- Conflict of Interests (LIN)
- Coolant Leak (EM)
- Cousteau - Captain's Yacht (HaD)
- Crell Moset - Notorious Exobiologist (WYLB)
- Croden - Dissembler (EM)
- D-7 Battlecruiser (TATV)
- D-7 Battlecruiser (VP TCC)
- D-7 Battlecruiser (VP)
- DaiMon Solok - Cargo Runner (EM)
- Damar - Cardassian Liberator (IAMD)
- Daneeka - Reassuring Physician (SNW)
- Dangerous Climb (CtA)
- Dangerous Liaisons (2E)
- Danica Erickson - Well Read (ATtS)
- Dark Pursuit (Archive)
- Dark Pursuit (CL)
- Dathon - Speaker of Tama (2E)
- Deanna Troi - Par'Mach'kai (MEN)
- Deep Roots (ENE)
- Dejar - Cunning Saboteur (SNW)
- Delta Flyer - Innovative Vessel (Archive)
- Delta Flyer - Innovative Vessel (TATV)
- Delta Flyer - Rebuilt "Hot Rod" (TItW)
- Devastating Melee (Nth)
- Deyos - Ruthless Administrator (IAMD)
- Dignitaries and Witnesses (RF2)
- Dignitaries and Witnesses (VP TCC)
- Dignitaries and Witnesses (VP)
- Distracting Exhibition (Archive)
- Distracting Exhibition (TBG)
- DNA Security Scan (ENE)
- Donald Varley - Discoverer of Iconia (INH)
- Drai - First Hunter (SoA)
- Drapanas - Outbreak Historian (Phage)
- Dukat - Cardassian Representative (PP)
- Dukat - Cardassian Representative (SSK)
- Duran'Adar - Attentive Sixth (SNW)
- Elim Garak - Crafty Underling (Archive)
- Elim Garak - Crafty Underling (Errata) (Archive)
- Elim Garak - Crafty Underling (Errata) (IAMD)
- Elim Garak - Crafty Underling (Errata) (VP)
- Elim Garak - Crafty Underling (IAMD)
- Elim Garak - Crafty Underling (VP TCC)
- Elim Garak - Crafty Underling (VP)
- Enabran Tain - Head of the Obsidian Order (2E)
- Enabran Tain - Prideful Director (FBtS)
- Enabran Tain - Prideful Director (SSK)
- Enemy Boarding Party (2E)
- Enterprise - Battle Hardened (DM)
- Enterprise - Damaged Starship (Errata) (PP)
- Enterprise - Damaged Starship (PP)
- Enterprise - Damaged Starship (VP TCC)
- Enterprise - Damaged Starship (VP)
- Enterprise - Finally Ready to Swim (Archive)
- Enterprise - Finally Ready to Swim (TBG)
- Environmental Contaminants (SYM)
- Eris - Harbinger of the Dominion (EM)
- Escape Pod (TBG)
- Evek - Agent of Cardassian Justice (Legacy)
- Evek - Agent of Cardassian Justice (VP TCC)
- Evek - Agent of Cardassian Justice (VP)
- Explosive Decompression (2E)
- Extreme Measures (TItW)
- Eye to Eye (RF2)
- Ezri Dax - Resourceful Counselor (WYLB)
- Gal Gath'thong - Pride of the Praetor (Archive)
- Gal Gath'thong - Pride of the Praetor (Errata)
- Gal Gath'thong - Pride of the Praetor (TATV)
- Garak Has Some Issues (TOD)
- Geordi La Forge - Battleship Engineer (RtS)
- Gint - Avaricious Author (LIN)
- Gint - The First Grand Nagus (VP TCC)
- Gint - The First Grand Nagus (VP)
- Gor - Thot (Archive)
- Gor - Thot (IAMD)
- Gorkon - Visionary Chancellor (WYLB)
- Gowron - Celebrated Leader (WYLB)
- Gowron - Leader of the High Council (2E)
- Gowron - Leader of the High Council (P)
- Grilka - Glorious Lady (IAMD)
- Guinan - Battleship Bartender (Errata) (UN)
- Hall of Mirrors (Phage)
- Hanok - Trade Minister (UN)
- Hanok - Trade Minister (VP TCC)
- Hanok - Trade Minister (VP)
- Harcourt Fenton Mudd - Swindler, Conman, Liar, Rogue (MEN)
- Hard Bargain - Totally Legitimate (ClCiv)
- Harrad-Sar - Slave of the Situation (WYLB)
- Head to Head (ENE)
- Head to Head (RF2)
- Heart of Glory (ENE)
- Heightened Perception (FT)
- High Command "Motivation" (RF2)
- Hikaru Sulu - Experienced Helmsman (ALL)
- Hikaru Sulu - Experienced Helmsman (Errata) (ALL)
- Hikaru Sulu - Loyal Captain (TUC)
- Hikaru Sulu - Loyal Captain (VP TCC)
- Hikaru Sulu - Loyal Captain (VP)
- Holding Cell (Errata 1) (PP)
- Holding Cell (Errata 2) (PP)
- Holding Cell (Errata) (VP)
- Holding Cell (PP)
- Holding Cell (SSK)
- Holding Cell (VP TCC)
- Holding Cell (VP)
- Houdini Mines (ENE)
- Hugh - Rogue Borg (WYLB)