This category page lists all Star Trek CCG 2nd Edition cards with a Playing Cost of 3.
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The Viceroy - Advisor to the Praetor (VP) -
Noonien Soong - Often-Wrong (SNW) -
Bre'Nan Ritual (TBG) -
Outclassed (TBG) -
Parallels (TBG) -
Commanding Presence (BoT)
All items (1093)
- A Bad Case of par'Mach (QP)
- A Chance for Glory (2E)
- A Chance for Glory (VP TCC)
- A Chance for Glory (VP)
- A Few Minor Difficulties (WYLB)
- A Klingon Matter (ENE)
- Aaron Conor - Born Leader (NE)
- Adopted Authority (SSK)
- Adopted Authority (US)
- Adopted Authority (VP TCC)
- Adopted Authority (VP)
- Aftermath (RF2)
- Aggressive Solutions (TBG)
- Ajur - Temporal Thief (FtB)
- Akorem Laan - Misguided Mystic (MEN)
- Alien Conspiracy (IAMD)
- Alien Encounter (EM)
- Alternatives to Fighting (ATtS)
- Alynna Nechayev - Adamant Admiral (TSoP)
- Alyssa Ogawa - Chief Medical Officer (MEN)
- Amanda Cole (TATV)
- Amaros - Earnest Vanguard (ENE)
- An Issue of Trust (Archive)
- An Issue of Trust (CL)
- An Issue of Trust (VP TCC)
- An Issue of Trust (VP)
- An Old Debt (CtA)
- Anastasia Komananov - Russian Seductress (TSoP)
- Anij - Eupneic Explorer (BoT)
- Annexation Drone (RF2)
- Antedean Assassins (2E)
- Anthwara - Steadfast Elder (ATtS)
- Anything or Anyone (NE)
- Anything or Anyone (NE) (Foil)
- Anything or Anyone (VP TCC)
- Anything or Anyone (VP)
- Arak'Taral - Suspicious Second (FtB)
- Arena (TATV)
- Arik Soong - Father of Many (P)
- Arik Soong - Father of Many (TBG)
- Arik Soong - Father of Many (VP TCC)
- Arik Soong - Father of Many (VP)
- Arne Darvin - "Hero of the Empire" (FBtS)
- Arresting Display (SM)
- Arridor - "Great Sage" (P)
- Arridor - "Great Sage" (SNW)
- Artificial Wormhole (FtB)
- Assassin's Blade (2E)
- Automated Weapons (2E)
- Azeni Meressa - Resistance Spy (LIN)
- B'Elanna Torres - Mostly Assimilated (UN)
- B'Elanna Torres - Mother of the Kuvah'magh (MoT)
- B'Elanna Torres - Straightforward Engineer (CL)
- B'Elanna Torres - Straightforward Engineer (VP TCC)
- B'Elanna Torres - Straightforward Engineer (VP)
- B'Etor - Ambitious Renegade (NE)
- Ba'el - Reconciling Differences (SM)
- Badar N'D'D - Parliamentary Predator (TOD)
- Battle Drills (2E)
- Battle Lust (NE)
- Baxial - Salvage Ship (CL)
- Benjamin Maxwell - Misguided Maverick (TItW)
- Benjamin Sisko - Bold Captain (WYLB)
- Benjamin Sisko - Corporeal Intercessor (MEN)
- Benjamin Sisko - First Officer (TBG)
- Benjamin Sisko - Outlaw (Errata)
- Benjamin Sisko - Outlaw (FT)
- Berik - Now Boarding (HaD)
- Best Interests at Heart (FtB)
- Beverly Crusher - Chief Medical Officer (2E)
- Beverly Crusher - Chief Medical Officer (Errata) (2E)
- Beverly Crusher - Encouraging Commander (TAP)
- Beverly Crusher - Principled Physician (HaD)
- Bevvox - Ancient Intellect (TOD)
- Bio-ship Attack (CTK)
- Biochemical Hyperacceleration (NE)
- Biochemical Hyperacceleration (RF2)
- Bleeding to Death (NE)
- Blow You Out of the Stars (Genesis reprints)
- Blow You Out of the Stars (Genesis)
- Bo'rak - Klingon Intelligence Agent (2E)
- Boheeka - Clandestine Connection (ENE)
- Bok - Spiteful Salvager (SoA)
- Borath - Psychological Researcher (AA)
- Borath - Psychological Researcher (CtA)
- Boratus - Temporal Thief (FtB)
- Borg Queen - Perfectionist (10AC)
- Borg Queen - Perfectionist (VP TCC)
- Borg Queen - Perfectionist (VP)
- Borg Queen - Perfectionist (XRP)
- Born for Conquest (ENE)
- Bractor - Suspicious Leader (TItW)
- Bre'Nan Ritual (TBG)
- Breached (TItW)
- Breaking the Ice (TUC)
- Brink of War (ZH)
- Broca - Grovelling Lackey (NE)
- Broca - Useful Idiot (AR)
- Brota - Son of Mogh (MoT)
- Bynars' Password (2E)
- Cadet Review (US)
- Caithlin Dar - Innocent Consul (FotE)
- Cal Hudson - Attaché to the Demilitarized Zone (ENE)
- Call of the Nagus (IAMD)
- Call of the Nagus (VP TCC)
- Call of the Nagus (VP)
- Call to Arms (IAMD)
- Callaghan (TBG)
- Captain's Holiday (2E)
- Captured by the Breen (IAMD)
- Cargo Pirates (WYLB)
- Carol Marcus - Intelligent Scientist (Genesis reprints)
- Carol Marcus - Intelligent Scientist (Genesis)
- Casualties (TATV)
- Cavalry Raid (CtA)
- Cellular Peptide Cake (Genesis reprints)
- Cellular Peptide Cake (Genesis)
- Center of Attention (2E)
- Ch'Pok - Vexing Advocate (INH)
- Chakotay - Bridge Between Two Crews (CL)
- Chakotay - Freedom Fighter (ENE)
- Chameloid Chicanery (CL)
- Chang - Gorkon's Chief of Staff (VP TCC)
- Chang - Gorkon's Chief of Staff (VP)
- Chang - Gorkon's Chief of Staff (WYLB)
- Charles Tucker III - Horse Trader (DS)
- Charles Tucker III - Standing In (Errata)
- Charles Tucker, III - Standing In (DM)
- Charvanek - Neutral Zone Commander (Archive)
- Charvanek - Neutral Zone Commander (TATV)
- Chell - Incessant Chatterbox (WPAD)
- Chimeric Diversion (ATtS)
- Christening (TItW)
- Christening (VP TCC)
- Christening (VP)
- Chu'lak - Calculating Killer (Nth)
- Chula: Move Along Home (TBG)
- Chula: The Dice (Archive)
- Chula: The Dice (IAMD)
- Chula: The Dice (P) (2E)
- Cochrane - Voyager Shuttle (CL)
- Code of Honor (Archive)
- Code of Honor (SNW)
- Collateral Damage (NE)
- Colonel Worf - Compassionate Advocate (TML)
- Commanding Presence (BoT)
- Compromised Tactics (LD)
- Confined to Quarters (CtA)
- Contaminating a Culture (CL)
- Coordinated Counterattack (RtS)
- Coordinated Larceny (US)
- Corbin Entek - Inquisitor (RtG)
- Cornered (ATtS)
- Covert Ambush (RtS)
- Cretak - Friendly Envoy (CM)
- Cretak - Supporter of the Alliance (2E)
- Cretak - Supporter of the Alliance (SSK)
- Crippling Attack (ENE)
- Crom - Open-minded (LIN)
- Cry "Havoc!" (2E)
- Cry "Havoc!" (2E) (2003)
- Curt Reprimand (TUC)
- Cyber Drone (SL)
- Cyrano Jones - Troublesome Peddler (LPU)
- D'Ghor - Plotting Like a Ferengi (ClCiv)
- D'Nesh - Manipulative Gift (Errata)
- D'Nesh - Manipulative Gift (WYLB)
- D'Tan - Curious Youth (CL)
- Dala - Con Artist (US)
- Damaged Reputation (2E)
- Damar - Aggrieved Subject (AR)
- Damar - Useful Adjutant (CtA)
- Damar - Useful Adjutant (Errata)
- Damar - Useful Adjutant (Errata) (Foil)
- Damar - Useful Adjutant (RF2)
- Damar - Useful Adjutant (SSK)
- Danara Pel - Ethical Hematologist (Phage)
- Dangerous Missions (IAMD)
- Daniel Leonard - Cautious Admiral (CL)
- Daniels - Temporal Enforcer (FT)
- Darhe'el - The Butcher of Gallitep (2E)
- Data - Masquerading Monarch (DS)
- Data - Tempted by Flesh (Archive)
- Data - Tempted by Flesh (VP TCC)
- Data - Tempted by Flesh (VP)
- Data - Tempted by Flesh (WYLB)
- Dead Ringer (LD)
- Dead Weight (ATtS)
- Deal With the Count Man (TSoP)
- Dealing With Pressure (NE)
- Deanna Troi - Guide and Conscience (2E)
- Deanna Troi - Guide and Conscience (Errata)
- Deanna Troi - Guide and Conscience (VP TCC)
- Deanna Troi - Guide and Conscience (VP)
- Dedication to Duty (ENE)