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Dukat - Liberator and Protector (CtA) -
Dukat - Military Advisor (P) -
Dukat - Pah-Wraith Puppet (TATV) -
Dukat - Cardassian Representative (PP) -
Elim Garak - Crafty Underling (Archive) -
Tajor (RtG)
All items (289)
- Cardassia IV - Hold Secret Prisoners (RtG)
- Cardassia Prime - Bastion of Resistance (MEN)
- Cardassia Prime - Hardscrabble World (2E)
- Cardassia Prime - Hardscrabble World (MAH)
- Cardassia Prime - Hardscrabble World (VP)
- Cardassia Prime - Secure Homeworld (SSK)
- Cardassia Prime - Secure Homeworld (TOD)
- Cardassia Prime - Storm the Castle (MEN)
- Cardassian Outskirts - Kressari Rendezvous (VP)
- Cardassian Phaser Pistol (2E)
- Cardassian Protectorate (FT)
- Casualties of the Occupation (Errata) (SYM)
- Casualties of the Occupation (SYM)
- Caught in the Act (NE)
- Clash at Chin'toka (CtA)
- Commandeer Prototype (WYLB)
- Contested Defense Perimeter - Penetrate Enemy Lines (Errata) (LIN)
- Contested Defense Perimeter - Penetrate Enemy Lines (VP)
- Corbin Entek - Inquisitor (RtG)
- Corbin Entek - Undercover Operations Supervisor (2E)
- Covert Collusion (SYM)
- Crell Moset - Notorious Exobiologist (WYLB)
- Crensen Gap - Protect the Escapees (VP)
- Dakol - Lecherous Overseer (RtG)
- Damar - Aggrieved Subject (AR)
- Damar - Ambitious Glinn (TItW)
- Damar - Cardassian Liberator (IAMD)
- Damar - Loyal Glinn (2E)
- Damar - Martyred Outlaw (FBtS)
- Damar - Resourceful Supervisor (HT)
- Damar - Useful Adjutant (CtA)
- Damar - Useful Adjutant (Errata)
- Damar - Useful Adjutant (Errata) (Foil)
- Damar - Useful Adjutant (RF2)
- Damar - Useful Adjutant (SSK)
- Danar - Irascible Gul (2E)
- Danig Kell (HT)
- Darhe'el - The Butcher of Gallitep (2E)
- Daro (2E)
- Davin (CtA)
- Death's Shadow (SYM)
- Dejar - Cunning Saboteur (SNW)
- Denorios Belt - Silence Prophets (SM)
- Dolak - Offended Neighbor (ZH)
- Dukat - Ambitious Commander (TItW)
- Dukat - Anjohl Tennan (NE)
- Dukat - Anjohl Tennan (NE) (Foil)
- Dukat - Anjohl Tennan (VP TCC)
- Dukat - Anjohl Tennan (VP)
- Dukat - Cardassian Representative (PP)
- Dukat - Cardassian Representative (SSK)
- Dukat - Dominion Puppet (ST50)
- Dukat - Egomaniac (CM)
- Dukat - Egomaniac (TML)
- Dukat - Erstwhile Ally (FBtS)
- Dukat - Interstellar Despot (SL)
- Dukat - Liberator and Protector (CtA)
- Dukat - Liberator and Protector (P)
- Dukat - Liberator and Protector (RF2)
- Dukat - Military Advisor (2E)
- Dukat - Military Advisor (P)
- Dukat - Pah-Wraith Puppet (Archive)
- Dukat - Pah-Wraith Puppet (TATV)
- Dukat - Pah-Wraith Puppet (VP)
- Dukat - Prefect of Bajor (FT)
- Dukat - Prefect of Bajor (VP TCC)
- Dukat - Prefect of Bajor (VP)
- Dukat - True Cardassian (10AC)
- Dukat - True Cardassian (XRP)
- Ekoor (Nth)
- Elim Garak - Agent of the Obsidian Order (2E)
- Elim Garak - Agent of the Obsidian Order (2E) (Foil)
- Elim Garak - Agent of the Obsidian Order (VP TCC)
- Elim Garak - Agent of the Obsidian Order (VP)
- Elim Garak - Cold-Blooded Mastermind (SoA)
- Elim Garak - Crafty Underling (Archive)
- Elim Garak - Crafty Underling (Errata) (Archive)
- Elim Garak - Crafty Underling (Errata) (IAMD)
- Elim Garak - Crafty Underling (Errata) (VP)
- Elim Garak - Crafty Underling (IAMD)
- Elim Garak - Crafty Underling (VP TCC)
- Elim Garak - Crafty Underling (VP)
- Elim Garak - Federation Agent (AP TCC)
- Elim Garak - Federation Agent (AP)
- Elim Garak - Federation Agent (VP TCC)
- Elim Garak - Federation Agent (VP)
- Elim Garak - First Officer of Terok Nor (FT)
- Elim Garak - Imposing Patriot (FBtS)
- Elim Garak - Plain, Simple Tailor (CtA)
- Elim Garak - Plain, Simple Tailor (P)
- Elim Garak - Plain, Simple Tailor (SSK)
- Emok (2E)
- Enabran Tain - "Retired" Spymaster (RF2)
- Enabran Tain - "Retired" Spymaster (VP TCC)
- Enabran Tain - "Retired" Spymaster (VP)
- Enabran Tain - Head of the Obsidian Order (2E)
- Enabran Tain - Prideful Director (FBtS)
- Enabran Tain - Retired Mastermind (ENE)
- Ensnared (RtS)
- Evek - Agent of Cardassian Justice (Legacy)
- Evek - Agent of Cardassian Justice (VP TCC)
- Evek - Agent of Cardassian Justice (VP)
- Evek - Attaché to the Demilitarized Zone (2E)
- Evek - Harsh Interrogator (ENE)
- Kar-telos Asteroid Belt - Salvage Wreckage (SB)
- Keldon (2E)
- Keldon Advanced (2E)
- Kelvas V - Steal Breen Armament (ATtS)
- Kira Nerys - Iliana Ghemor (Errata) (NE)
- Kira Nerys - Iliana Ghemor (Errata) (NE) (Foil)
- Kira Nerys - Iliana Ghemor (Errata) (VP)
- Kira Nerys - Iliana Ghemor (NE)
- Kira Nerys - Iliana Ghemor (NE) (Foil)
- Kira Nerys - Iliana Ghemor (VP TCC)
- Klingon Borderland - Maintain Operational Secrecy (AR)
- Klingon-Occupied Outland - Enact Poetic Revenge (SC)
- Korinas - Observer from the Obsidian Order (TSoP)
- Kotan Pa'Dar - Prominent Politician (ClCiv)
- Kotra (ENE)
- Kovat - Public Conservator (2E)
- Kraxon - Watchful Warship (SoA)
- Macet - Reluctant Warrior (HaD)
- Macet - Skeptical Commander (CL)
- Madred - Calculating Captor (2E)
- Madred - Persistent Inquisitor (RtS)
- Magren (CtA)
- Makbar - Chief Archon (2E)
- Makbar - State Jurist (ZH)
- Mardel - Overseer (IAMD)
- Mavek - Science Officer (CtA)
- McAllister C-5 Nebula - Marshal Invasion Fleet (HaD)
- Means of Control (SNW)
- Megar (2E)
- Memad (SC)
- Mila - Trusted Confidante (Errata) (NE)
- Mila - Trusted Confidante (Errata) (VP)
- Mila - Trusted Confidante (NE)
- Mila - Trusted Confidante (VP TCC)
- Mila - Trusted Confidante (VP)
- Mine Vendarite (EM)
- Minos - Negotiate Bargain (TML)
- Modern Galor (CtA)
- Mouth of the Wormhole - Terok Nor (CtA)