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Call to Arms
Calltoarms booster
Game/Set: Star Trek CCG 2nd Edition


Call to Arms









Cards Total:


Call to Arms is the third expansion of Star Trek CCG 2nd Edition. It is published by Decipher on 10 September 2003. The set consists of 208 cards.

This set is available in 11-card booster packs. There are 30 booster packs in one booster box. Also available are two 63-card count starter decks, one Borg and one Dominion. There are 20 booster packs and 12 starter decks in one combo box. Each starter deck includes a 40 page Rulebook and a Survey Sweepstakes sheet to win a Star Trek Second Edition CCG booster display box.

The Borg Starter Deck contains 36 different cards and the Dominion Starter Deck contains 38 different cards. In addition to Call to Arms cards, the starter decks also include 17 reprint cards from Second Edition, 1 reprint card from Energize, and a Second Edition Call To Arms rulebook. The reprint cards are found in the respective set listings.

This set is noted for the following:

  • Introduced two of the most aggressive and dangerous affiliations in the Star Trek universe, namely the Borg and the Dominion
  • All reprint cards were printed without the ① at the end of the copyright line indicating they were not the first prints of the cards
  • Introduced the Delta Quadrant
  • Introduced the Ferengi affiliation

Type Breakdown[]

  • 31 Dilemma
  • 1 Equipment
  • 36 Event
  • 12 Interrupt
  • 30 Mission
  • 87 Personnel (7 Bajoran, 23 Borg, 9 Cardassian, 24 Dominion, 8 Federation, 2 Ferengi, 5 Klingon, 5 Non-Aligned and 4 Romulan)
  • 11 Ship (3 Borg, 1 Cardassian, 3 Dominion, 1 Federation, 1 Klingon, 1 Non-Aligned and 1 Romulan)

Rarity Breakdown[]

Card List[]

3 C 1 A Bad End Common Dilemma -
3 S 2 An Old Debt Starter Dilemma -
3 C 3 Close Call Common Dilemma -
3 C 4 Confined to Quarters Common Dilemma -
3 R 5 Dangerous Climb Rare Dilemma -
3 C 6 Depression Common Dilemma -
3 S 7 DNA Analysis Starter Dilemma -
3 C 8 Don't Let It End This Way Common Dilemma -
3 U 9 Dressing Down Uncommon Dilemma -
3 S 10 Failure To Communicate Starter Dilemma -
3 R 11 Forsaken Rare Dilemma -
3 R 12 Gomtuu Shock Wave Rare Dilemma -
3 C 13 Graviton Wave Common Dilemma -
3 C 14 History Repeats Itself Common Dilemma -
3 S 15 Inside Collaborators Starter Dilemma -
3 S 16 Justice or Vengeance Starter Dilemma -
3 C 17 Miner Disagreement Common Dilemma -
3 C 18 Murder Investigation Common Dilemma -
3 R 19 Overwhelmed Rare Dilemma -
3 U 20 Psychic Receptacle Uncommon Dilemma -
3 S 21 Psycho-Kinetic Attack Starter Dilemma -
3 R 22 Quantum Filament Rare Dilemma -
3 U 23 Restricted Area Uncommon Dilemma -
3 C 24 "Rock People" Common Dilemma -
3 U 25 Rogue Borg Ambush Uncommon Dilemma -
3 U 26 Secret Identity Uncommon Dilemma -
3 C 27 Sheer Lunacy Common Dilemma -
3 U 28 Skeleton Crew Uncommon Dilemma -
3 C 29 So Many Enemies Common Dilemma -
3 S 30 Sokath, His Eyes Uncovered! Starter Dilemma -
3 R 31 The Demands of Duty Rare Dilemma -
3 U 32 Jem'Hadar Disruptor Pistol Uncommon Equipment -
3 C 33 A Second Chance at Life Common Event -
3 R 34 Abduction Rare Event -
3 U 35 Adding to Our Perfection Uncommon Event -
3 S 36 Borg Cutting Beam Starter Event -
3 R 37 Bred for Battle Rare Event -
3 R 38 Building a Bridge Rare Event -
3 R 39 Cavalry Raid Rare Event -
3 U 40 Changeling Sabotage Uncommon Event -
3 C 41 Dispensing the White Common Event -
3 U 42 Dissolving the Senate Uncommon Event -
3 C 43 Enemy in Your Midst Common Event -
3 R 44 I Don't Like to Lose Rare Event -
3 C 45 Jem'Hadar Ambush Common Event -
3 R 46 Jem'Hadar Birthing Chamber Rare Event -
3 U 47 Jem'Hadar Strike Force Uncommon Event -
3 U 48 One With the Borg Uncommon Event -
3 R 49 Psychological Pressure Rare Event -
3 C 50 Quite a Coincidence Common Event -
3 C 51 Regeneration Alcoves Common Event -
3 U 52 Sabotage Program Uncommon Event -
3 U 53 Sensing a Trap Uncommon Event -
3 R 54 Set Up Rare Event -
3 C 55 Severed Link Common Event -
3 R 56 Sluggo Rare Event -
3 R 57 Steeled By Loss Rare Event -
3 C 58 Stir Crazy Common Event -
3 R 59 The Blight Rare Event -
3 R 60 The Crystalline Entity Rare Event -
3 R 61 The Enterprise Incident Rare Event -
3 R 62 The Manheim Effect Rare Event -
3 U 63 The Trial Never Ended Uncommon Event -
3 U 64 The Will of the Collective Uncommon Event -
3 U 65 Trial of Faith Uncommon Event -
3 U 66 Under Suspicion Uncommon Event -
3 C 67 Vorta Cloning Common Event -
3 U 68 We're Mutants Uncommon Event -
3 U 69 Adapt Uncommon Interrupt -
3 S 70 Analyze Starter Interrupt -
3 C 71 Cultist Attack Common Interrupt -
3 R 72 Founder Trap Rare Interrupt -
3 U 73 Insult Uncommon Interrupt -
3 R 74 Our Death is Glory To The Founders Rare Interrupt -
3 R 75 Parting Shot Rare Interrupt -
3 R 76 Pseudopod Rare Interrupt -
3 U 77 Security Sweep Uncommon Interrupt -
3 C 78 The Founder is Wise Common Interrupt -
3 C 79 We're Everywhere Common Interrupt -
3 U 80 You Could Be Invaluable Uncommon Interrupt -
3 U 81 Archanis Dispute Uncommon Mission -
3 S 82 Assault on Species 8472 Starter Mission -
3 S 83 Battle Reconnaissance Starter Mission -
3 U 84 Camping Trip Uncommon Mission -
3 U 85 Clash at Chin'toka Uncommon Mission -
3 S 86 Destroy Iconian Gateway Starter Mission -
3 U 87 Destroy Transwarp Hub Uncommon Mission -
3 U 88 Evade Borg Vessel Uncommon Mission -
3 U 89 Evade Dominion Squadron Uncommon Mission -
3 U 90 Expose Changeling Influence Uncommon Mission -
3 U 91 Extract Defector Uncommon Mission -
3 S 92 Founders' Homeworld - Home of the Great Link Starter Mission -
3 U 93 Harness Omega Particle Uncommon Mission -
3 S 94 Hunt Alien Starter Mission -
3 U 95 Instruct Advanced Drone Uncommon Mission -
3 U 96 Mouth of the Wormhole - Terok Nor Uncommon Mission -
3 U 97 Pacify Warring Factions Uncommon Mission -
3 U 98 Peaceful Contact Uncommon Mission -
3 U 99 Plot Invasion Uncommon Mission -
3 U 100 Political Intrigue Uncommon Mission -
3 S 101 Rescue Prisoners of War Starter Mission -
3 U 102 Restock Ketracel-White Uncommon Mission -
3 S 103 Salvage Borg Ship Starter Mission -
3 S 104 Salvage Dominion Ship Starter Mission -
3 U 105 Signal for rescue Uncommon Mission -
3 U 106 Stage Bombardment Uncommon Mission -
3 U 107 Study Rare Phenomenon Uncommon Mission -
3 S 108 Survey Star System Starter Mission -
3 U 109 The Siege of AR-558 Uncommon Mission -
3 S 110 Unicomplex - Root of the Hive Mind Starter Mission -
3 C 111 Jorem Common Personnel Bajoran
3 R 112 Kira Nerys - Reformed Collaborator Rare Personnel Bajoran
3 R 113 Odo - Wayward Link Rare Personnel Bajoran
3 R 114 Porta - Advisor to the Emissary Rare Personnel Bajoran
3 U 115 Tahna Los - Voice of the Kohn-Ma Uncommon Personnel Bajoran
3 R 116 Yassim - Zealous Protester Rare Personnel Bajoran
3 C 117 Yelsar Common Personnel Bajoran
3 C 118 Acclimation Drone Common Personnel Borg
3 C 119 Allocation Drone Common Personnel Borg
3 C 120 Appraisal Drone Common Personnel Borg
3 C 121 Archival Drone Common Personnel Borg
3 S 122 Borg Queen - Bringer of Order Starter Personnel Borg
3 R 123 Borg Queen - Guardian of the Hive Rare Personnel Borg
3 S 124 Calibration Drone Starter Personnel Borg
3 C 125 Cartography Drone Common Personnel Borg
3 C 126 Computation Drone Common Personnel Borg
3 C 127 Continuity Drone Common Personnel Borg
3 C 128 Evaluation Drone Common Personnel Borg
3 C 129 Guidance Drone Common Personnel Borg
3 C 130 Information Drone Common Personnel Borg
3 C 131 Invasive Drone Common Personnel Borg
3 R 132 Locutus - Voice of the Borg Rare Personnel Borg
3 U 133 Negation Drone Uncommon Personnel Borg
3 C 134 Opposition Drone Common Personnel Borg
3 C 135 Preservation Drone Common Personnel Borg
3 U 136 Reclamation Drone Uncommon Personnel Borg
3 C 137 Research Drone Common Personnel Borg
3 R 138 Seven of Nine - Part of the Greater Whole Rare Personnel Borg
3 S 139 Seven of Nine - Representative of the Hive Starter Personnel Borg
3 C 140 Transwarp Drone Common Personnel Borg
3 R 141 Damar - Useful Adjutant Rare Personnel Cardassian
3 C 142 Davin Common Personnel Cardassian
3 R 143 Dukat - Liberator and Protector Rare Personnel Cardassian
3 U 144 Elim Garak - Plain, Simple Tailor Uncommon Personnel Cardassian
3 C 145 Magren Common Personnel Cardassian
3 U 146 Mavek - Science Officer Uncommon Personnel Cardassian
3 C 147 Nerot Common Personnel Cardassian
3 C 148 Thorel Common Personnel Cardassian
3 R 149 Tora Ziyal - Beloved Daughter Rare Personnel Cardassian
3 R 150 Bashir Founder - Nefarious Saboteur Rare Personnel Dominion
3 R 151 Borath - Psychological Researcher Rare Personnel Dominion
3 C 152 Founder Councilor Common Personnel Dominion
3 U 153 Founder Leader - Beguiling Teacher Uncommon Personnel Dominion
3 S 154 Founder Leader - Forbidding Judge Starter Personnel Dominion
3 R 155 Ikat'ika - Honorable Warrior Rare Personnel Dominion
3 C 156 Imat'Korex Common Personnel Dominion
3 U 157 Keevan - Conniving Liar Uncommon Personnel Dominion
3 S 158 Kilana - Dissembling Envoy Starter Personnel Dominion
3 R 159 Kira Founder - Examiner Rare Personnel Dominion
3 U 160 Limara'Son - Fierce Soldier Uncommon Personnel Dominion
3 U 161 Lovok Founder - Puppet Master Uncommon Personnel Dominion
3 S 162 Martok Founder - Poison of the Empire Starter Personnel Dominion
3 S 163 Noret'ikar Starter Personnel Dominion
3 C 164 Odera'Klen Common Personnel Dominion
3 C 165 Rak'tazan Common Personnel Dominion
3 R 166 Remata'Klan - Unit Leader Rare Personnel Dominion
3 C 167 Tholun Common Personnel Dominion
3 C 168 Tozara'Kesh Common Personnel Dominion
3 C 169 Varen'agor Common Personnel Dominion
3 U 170 Weyoun - Instrument of the Founders Uncommon Personnel Dominion
3 R 171 Weyoun - Loyal Subject of the Dominion Rare Personnel Dominion
3 U 172 Yak'Talon - Deadly Patroller Uncommon Personnel Dominion
3 R 173 Yelgrun - Blunt Negotiator Rare Personnel Dominion
3 R 174 B'Elanna Torres - Creative Engineer Rare Personnel Federation
3 R 175 Jack - Maladjusted Misfit Rare Personnel Federation
3 R 176 Lauren - Seductress Rare Personnel Federation
3 R 177 Michael Eddington - Traitor to Starfleet Rare Personnel Federation
3 U 178 Norah Satie - Starfleet Investigator Uncommon Personnel Federation
3 U 179 Patrick - Idiot Savant Uncommon Personnel Federation
3 R 180 Reginald Barclay - Reclusive Engineer Rare Personnel Federation
3 U 181 Sarina Douglas - Cataleptic Conundrum Uncommon Personnel Federation
3 R 182 Quark - Resistance Informant Rare Personnel Ferengi
3 R 183 Rom - Undercover Spy Rare Personnel Ferengi
3 R 184 Alexander Rozhenko - Good Luck Charm Rare Personnel Klingon
3 R 185 Darok - Martok's Aide Rare Personnel Klingon
3 R 186 Kor - Noble Warrior to the End Rare Personnel Klingon
3 U 187 Larg - Piece of Baktag Uncommon Personnel Klingon
3 U 188 Martok - Leader of Destiny Uncommon Personnel Klingon
3 C 189 E'Tyshra Common Personnel Non-Aligned
3 C 190 Jakin Common Personnel Non-Aligned
3 R 191 Kasidy Yates - Maquis Smuggler Rare Personnel Non-Aligned
3 C 192 Nydrom Common Personnel Non-Aligned
3 C 193 Sharat Common Personnel Non-Aligned
3 U 194 Karina - Intelligence Analyst Uncommon Personnel Romulan
3 C 195 Mullen Common Personnel Romulan
3 R 196 Pardek - Betrayer Rare Personnel Romulan
3 R 197 Ruwon - Intelligence Analyst Rare Personnel Romulan
3 C 198 Borg Cube Common Ship Borg
3 S 199 Borg Sphere Starter Ship Borg
3 R 200 Locutus' Borg Cube Rare Ship Borg
3 C 201 Modern Galor Common Ship Cardassian
3 S 202 Jem'Hadar Attack Ship Starter Ship Dominion
3 C 203 Jem'Hadar Warship Common Ship Dominion
3 R 204 Tenak'talar - Weyoun's Warship Rare Ship Dominion
3 R 205 U.S.S. Defiant - Stolen Warship Rare Ship Federation
3 R 206 I.K.S. Pagh Rare Ship Klingon
3 R 207 Xhosa Rare Ship Non-Aligned
3 R 208 Soterus Rare Ship Romulan

Errata Cards[]

The following cards have had corrections made by The Continuing Committee (see Physical Errata Cards).

  • Dilemma
    • 3 U 9 - Dressing Down
  • Interrupt
    • 3 S 70 - Analyze
    • 3 R 72 - Founder Trap
    • 3 R 74 - Our Death is Glory for the Founders
  • Mission
    • 3 S 83 - Battle Reconnaissance (errata card title is Adelaar System - Battle Reconnaissance)
    • 3 S 86 - Destroy Iconian Gateway (errata card title is Vandros IV - Destroy Iconian Gateway)
    • 3 S 94 - Hunt Alien (errata card title is Akusel Belt - Hunt Alien)
    • 3 U 100 - Political Intrigue (errata card title is Farius Prime - Political Intrigue)
    • 3 S 104 - Salvage Dominion Ship (errata card title is Torga IV - Salvage Dominion Ship)
  • Personnel
    • 3 C 117 - Yelsar (Bajoran)
    • 3 R 132 - Locutus, Voice of the Borg (Borg)
    • 3 R 141 - Damar, Useful Adjutant (Cardassian)
    • 3 R 155 - Ikat'ika, Honorable Warrior (Dominion)
    • 3 R 173 - Yelgrun, Blunt Negotiator (Dominion)
  • Ship
    • 3 R 205 - U.S.S. Defiant, Stolen Warship (Federation)

These errata cards are Virtual cards and not physical cards.



Starter Decks[]

Additional Information[]

  • Call to Arms was printed on 121 card sheets by Teagle & Little, USA.
  • Each rarity has its own print sheet in an 11 x 11 format.
  • A Survey form was included in each starter deck.

External Links[]
